Friday 100409

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
1 mile run (orange marker just before 90th and J street)
30 Burpees
30 Front Squats (132#/87#)
500 meter row

There is a 25 minute cut-off to this workout. If you can not make the mile in 9 minutes or less, there is an orange marker prior to the mile marker that is approximately 1200 meters.

Other than the run, there is no scaling to the workout. If you need to use a lighter weight than what is prescribed, the reps will increase. For every pound under what is prescribed, you will add a rep. For example, if a gal uses 65#, her reps for front squat will now be 52 (87# - 65# = 22 + 30 = 52).

Post time to comments.

Good times, good times!

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17 Responses to "Friday 100409"

  1. Addi Says:

    This article got me all fired up. And then I remembered we're running a mile today. Damn you, Ricky. Killer of joy.
  3. Pat Says:
  4. Thank you Amanda and Joe and everyone at CrossFit Omaha. Killer WOD today and great people. I love to come to CFO when I am in town!

    Pat H.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Great to have you, Pat!

    I didn't mean to work that hard today...I was HURTING when this one was over.

    15:08 rx'ed.
  7. BC Says:
  8. 17:45 rx'd. This was rough, but I was actually expecting a lot worse - usually it's the complete opposite. Nice job 6am, and join us anytime Pat.
  9. BC Says:
  10. Excellent article Addi, thanks for sharing!
  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
  13. ZachR Says:
  14. 18:33 rx'd!!!!

    Thrilled to be able to do this workout rx'd although I will be hurting after those front squats.

    It was awesome to workout with the morning monsters at 6am. I might have to get up early a little more often.
  15. Eric C Says:
  16. 16:06 Rx'd

    Curse you Greg Mo and Paul Audi for destroying me on the front squats. I have feelings you know....

    Good job to the rest of the 6 am crew! I can't believe no one had to wait for a rower. Nice teamwork.

    Nice seeing you tearing it up ZachR!
  17. Gina Says:
  18. 21:40 (scaled run, everything else rx'ed)

    Great to have you visit Pat!
    Nice job everyone at 6am, as always!
  19. Hilg Says:
  20. 17:41 Rx'd I KNOW the Paleo is helping!

    Good to be running again because it means it's finally "run worthy" out.

    Also great to meet Pat today.....he cruised by me on the front squats! What a cool aspect of CrossFit...visiting other like motivated individuals.

    I'm off to Mexico for a week of agenda except Gym work in the morning, pool time in the PM and staying as Paleo as possible.
  21. Hilg Says:
  22. 17:41 Rx'd I KNOW the Paleo is helping!

    Good to be running again because it means it's finally "run worthy" out.

    Also great to meet Pat today.....he cruised by me on the front squats! What a cool aspect of CrossFit...visiting other like motivated individuals.

    I'm off to Mexico for a week of agenda except Gym work in the morning, pool time in the PM and staying as Paleo as possible.
  23. Kat Says:
  24. WOD 7:10am

    For the clean I worked my way up to 121# for 3 reps. My cleans need some work...i need to get my butt under the bar faster! I did something to my right forearm in the night because ever since I woke up IT'S KILLING ME!! Definately felt it during the cleans!

    For push press I didn't break up any of the 3 sets. 1st set was easier than I expected...but the 2nd set for sure took the rest of my energy. The 3rd set, well, sucked! I'm pretty sure my last 3 or 4 wouldn't have counted at any competition, I didn't lock out at top, the bar kept coming down to quick!

    Shuttle runs were rough! I made my first 2 under a min but my 3rd run I went through the finish line during the beep, cutting it close!

    Great job everyone!
  25. Addi Says:
  26. The board said 15:04, I think, but when you subtract the time it took Ricky to hear me, look at the clock, and read it, it was probably closer to sub-10. :)

    Either way, I'm happy with this - main goal was to not pace (read: wimp out on) the run, and to limit my rest on the burpees and squats. Definitely pushed the run harder than usual. (thanks, Pete, for pushing me) By the time I got to the rower, I was just happy to still have a little control of my legs. My row pace was all over the board.
  27. Blog on Life Says:
  28. Addi, I freaking love you. Kat, you are amazing. I really need to get rid of this hack and get back in the gym! I really want to do this WOD...I hate cardio so it's a good one to do!!!!
  29. Paula Says:
  30. 19:33 Rx'd! I agree Brian...The paleo must be working for me too!
    I thought I'd test out my ankle today with the running. I SUCK at running to begin with, but ran the mile without too much problem...felt a few twinges in the ankle the last half...just took it a little slower. I thought about just doing the 1200, but was decided to finish it up...I was the last one in, but I felt good about!!! Broke up the FS- 10,10,7,3. I actually enjoyed this WOD!!

    Awesome work 5am'ers!!!! It's great to have some new faces joining the group- Kevin, Erin, and Rob! Great job guys!!
  31. BC Says:
  32. This may be old news, but...

    2 Crossfitters 1 Bucket PART II

    A sequel that's every bit as good as the original.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. Lift + 1
    - Starting to make the switched to timed lifting workouts...

    Olympic Max Out
    12 Min Clock - Clock starts the moment any weight is put on the bar
    - Snatch Max - Got 209 but missed 214 as time expired
    8 Min Clock - Clean and Jerk Max
    - Finished with 252 as time expired
    6 Min Clock - Front Squat Max
    - Put up 270 as time expired

    Hamstring Work and Single Arm Rowing to Even things out - Sets of 10 on each

    Rest 90-120 mins

    Phil, Angie, and Cole came over from CFL and we did a fun one...
    3/5 Strict CTB Pull Ups
    8/10 (24"/30" Box Jumps)
    12/15 GH Sit Ups
    * Max RDS in 10 mins *
    - I got 6 RDS but Sit Ups were unbelievable slow
    Tabata Deadlift (Bodyweight) - 185#
    - 8 RDS (4 Mins)
    ** Done for total reps - Got 64
    Wall Ball (20#/14#) - 11 FT Target
    - Max Reps in 2 Mins - 45 Total

    Angie - 321
    Phil- 321
    Justin - 289
    Cole - 267

Thanks For Visiting!