Saturday 100313

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
3 rounds for time of:
30 Push Press, 98#/63#
12/7 Strict Pull ups (must touch throat)
Walking Lunges, 30 Total Steps

Post time to comments.

Those that made it to the St. Patty's Day workout last night, hope you made it home safe and the hangover isn't too bad. Thanks for a great night guys. You mean the world to this gym.

Thanks to the raffle tickets you guys bought, we are going to replace the rest of the old men's barbells and three of the women's barbells. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Reminder that the nutrition sit down is today at 12:30PM. We will be covering a number of topics as well as discussing the Spring LEANing challenge. Those that are interested in doing the challenge will need to bring their pictures to me by Wednesday, March 17th (the day the challenge begins) or I will be taking them today at the gym.

The cost of the sit down is $10. This $10 will also cover your entry fee to the challenge. You don't have to pay $20, just $10. If you want to enter the challenge but can't make the meeting, you can pay your $10 by Wednesday the 17th as well.

Remember that the challenge runs from Wednesday, March 17th to Wednesday, May 5th. Stay strong and keep with it and I promise (the closer to true paleo, the better the results) the changes will come. The pictures don't lie and neither do the food logs. If there aren't changes, I bet I can find out why. Good luck.

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3 Responses to "Saturday 100313"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. 11:59 Rx'd

    broke things up as follows:

    round 1: 20/10 push press
    3/2/2 pullups
    walking lunges

    round 2: 10/10/10 push press
    2/2/2/1 pullups
    walking lunges

    round 3: 10/10/10 push press
    2/1/1/1/1/1 pullups
    walking lunges

    Great job 8:00 a.m. (small but fun group)

    Mike looks fabulous!!! I'd only met him one time before, but the change in him is incredible!

    For those going to Denver, I booked my flight leaving late Thursday afternoon and coming back Monday morning for RT of $135.

    Anyone looking for a roomie? Anyone figured out anything for hotel?
  3. paul Says:
  4. This was a good one. I did strict CTB pullups, except I missed a few in the last round.

  5. Jenni Says:
  6. I did 53# push press and used a blue band (1st round) and blue and purple for rounds 2 & 3 on pullups. 12:25. I think I should've gone lighter on the bands but I'm totally hung over. This was a great post St. Patty's Day WOD. :) Nice work at 10 this morning.

Thanks For Visiting!