Saturday 100220

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
30 Jump Pull-ups
30 Front Squats (198#/132#)
30 Jump Pull-ups

No racks will be allowed. You may not count any squat cleans as a front squat rep. If you clean it into a squat, you may not count that as a rep. You must first stand up and then begin the front squats.

For the jump pull-ups, the height of your target must be set so that a spot just below your wrists touches the target with extended arms. You must touch your throat to the bar for every rep.

If you have to scale the load you may only choose from the following weights/reps and the workout is considered scaled:
176#/115# - 35 reps
154#/104# - 40 reps
132#/93# - 45 reps
115#/77# - 50 reps

Post time to comments.

Pre-WOD I am assuming because these ladies have some pretty big smiles.

If you showed up last night, you heard the big announcement. And if you heard the big announcement, you probably cheered. What a crazy bunch of people we are, right? What a special gym, right? Where else in Omaha are you going to find a gym that celebrates like we do? Where else in Omaha are you going to find a gym that works out like we do?

You have until March 5th to get your team together and registered. Mark your calendars and make sure the date is open as I expect at least 15 to 20 teams registered.

If you weren't there last night to hear the news, click on the link below to find out what the fuss is all about.


I have put up a new order form in the gym for apparel. If you are interested in getting a sweatshirt, sweatpants, or even one of the tank tops in the awesome colors, you can fill in the appropriate order form. We will place the order on Monday, March 1st.

We will continue to then place an order every three weeks after that. As new apparel is designed, we will add order forms to the rest of the apparel order forms. This is a great way to help support your gym and getting the word out about us. Thank you.

If you need so, we have material samples in the gym and/or pics of the CFO apparel online at the CFO STORE link. Here are a few future dates when orders will be placed:

Monday, March 1st
Friday, March 19th
Friday, April 9th
Friday, April 30th
Friday, May 21st

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22 Responses to "Saturday 100220"

  1. Donohoe Says:
  2. yeah so I am in on this with nick. He and I will be taking resumes from qualified candidates for two spots on our St Pat day team. We are looking for two crossfit queens to join us on our holy quest to honor our IRISH heritage. Qualifications
    1. Think beer is for breakfeast
    2. Know what a car bomb is and also what is in it.
    3. Know the reason why god created beer (ie so the irsh would not rule the world) A little help for everyone.
    4. We will be having a tryout in two weeks at the DUbliner, bring you A game.
    Donohoe is out.....
  3. Gdawg Says:
  4. Love me some car bombs! LOL! Are you guys purchasing drinks for the try outs donohoe and Nick? Ha ha! I am looking forward to the St. Patty's day WOD!

  5. Unknown Says:
  6. That's a negative on US purchasing the drinks, ghost rider. This is going to be a blast. I'm pretty sure Donahoe is going to do the burpees faster than usual knowing that there is a tasty treat at the end! All interested candidates should know that they will probably if they are interested in winning this event...look elsewhere!
  7. Jake Says:
  8. 11:55 (132#) Much better workout today, but after yesterday I couldn't perform much worse!

    Great work those who made the 9:00 a.m.

    It was great to meet so many new faces at Stokes last night. I'm looking forward to the st. Patty's day WOD. Let me know if anyone is looking for a teammate!
  9. GregP Says:
  10. Great Job 8am.

    A few made it in after last night which was a great time. Good to see the peeps at other classes.

    19:10 I think, scaled to 50 - #115 FS
  11. Shelley Says:
  12. 5:26 Rx'd; I broke squats up once after 23rd rep (goal was to get all 30 so I didn't have to clean the weight again). Good WOD after last night.

    Had a lot of fun last night and enjoyed seeing all the crossfitters from different class times. We clean up pretty well!!!

    Looking forward to the St. Paddy's WOD too.
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. at work today... but am planning on practicing my st patty watty wod tonight fo-sho! lol! wish i coulda made it in today... would sure beat being stuck at work!
  15. Paula Says:
  16. I was also hoping to make it in to do todays WOD, but got called into work.

    Good times last nite! It was great getting to talk to some different faces. We definitely need to get the stink and drinks going every month for sure!

    I'm really nervous about the Patty Day WOD, not cuz of the workout but for the drinking. I'm not much of a beer drinker. So, my team members will have to do REALLY slow burpees to give me time to drink and have the garbage can near for Mr. Pukie!
  17. Jenni Says:
  18. Did the Trek up the tower this morning and then came in and did todays WOD. 93# 13:02. Overall I was semi happy with the workout. Then I just happened to look at the 1RM sheet and I realized that 92# was my old clean 1RM. I dropped the bar so many times I must have done cleans 15 times today. Wahoo!

    Also, super excited for the St. Pattys day wod. Kristen Stormer and I are looking for two guys to be on our team. We're not promising glory, definitely not promising victory, but it'll be fun none the less.
  19. Greg MO Says:
  20. I got my 3 WODs from sectionals posted on youtube:

    WOD #1:

    WOD #2 in 2 parts:

    WOD #3 in 2 parts:
  21. Greg MO Says:
  22. Im down for the St. Patty's day WOD, its gona b fun!!!
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Rx'd, forgot my time... 12:45? That might be way off, but I know it felt SLOW. Front squats are a glaring weakness, which I knew. And apparently so are jumping pull-ups. Which I did not know.

    Great job, 9:00.. And way to kill it, Shelley!

    Team OTN is in for St. Patty's... I plan to take my training for this very seriously.
  25. paul Says:
  26. Today's WOD is awesome--i can't wait to do it!

    I almost killed myself this morning:
    5 rds:

    30 situps
    6 manmakers (25# DBs)

    i thought it would be a 10-12 min workout. nope. 17:35 of misery. manmakers are awful.
  27. Allison H :) Says:
  28. NO MR PUKIE PAULA!!!! You're a pro!
  29. Paula Says:
  30. Oh're a funny gal!!! Although I will just be getting back from Hawaii the day before, so I will have a good 10 days to build up my tolerance! If only we could do shots of vodka instead...that would be more up my alley! I can't burp... so beer then burpees would not be fun!
  31. Jenni Says:
  32. Ok Paula does shots but multiplied by two for the "fullness factor" she'll be losing from missing out on beer. I think that'd make for a VERY interesting competition ;)
  33. Paula Says:
  34. Hey, I'm up for the challenge!!! It's crossfit...right?!?
    It will be a blast and yes...very interesting!!!!!
  35. Allison H :) Says:
  36. working out and beer = crunkercise! lol! i'm a dork!
  37. Eric C Says:
  38. Forming team "old guys and hot chics". We will be a force! Good times last night CFO.... Good times....
    13:20 today 185#
  39. Gina Says:
  40. I mostly liked today's WOD, finished in 9:24, with 115# front squats.

    St. Patty's WOD looks fun, I'm in if anyone is looking for a teammate who is not super fast with burpees (more time to chug those beers...ha ha)
  41. Donohoe Says:
  42. Just for a little clarification I dont plan on winning this competition just enjoying it. Yes nick I will be doing burpees a little faster because of the treats waiting for me...
    Donohoe is out.
  43. Donohoe Says:
  44. Just for a little clarification I dont plan on winning this competition just enjoying it. Yes nick I will be doing burpees a little faster because of the treats waiting for me...
    Donohoe is out.

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