Monday 100215

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
50 Sit ups
50 Double Unders
50 Sit ups
Walking Lunges, 50 steps
50 Sit ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit ups

Substitutions for DU's are the usual no push up burpees or 8 to 1 single unders, in this case 400.

Post time to comments.

Greg Mo post-WOD.

Congratulations to our regional qualifiers and all our sectional competitors.

Addi Kahrs - 11th
Megan McNamara - 17th
Megan Guthmiller - 23rd
Shelley Buchholz - 24th
Reba Wattier - 29th
Greg Morales - 18th
Jake Hinkle - 26th
Dustin Tovar - 28th

Jen Thomas - 31st (missed qualifying by .37 points, equal to less than a rep or second)
Sara Ferrante - 32nd (missed qualifying by 9 points)
Danielle Baker - 43rd
Becky Vance - 45th
Kat Anderson - 49th
Crystal Frausto - 58th
Allison Cannella - 62nd
Jess Foster - 63rd
Neil Wattier - 46th
Jon Day - 53rd
Nick Patrick - 69th
Paul Audi - 70th
Eric Clements - 77th
Tyler Adamson - 83rd
Ben Mason - 85th
Paul Antoniak - 98th
Brian Christiansen - 113th
Jimbo Garofalo - 118th

Thank you guys so much for giving me the opportunity to coach you and watch you compete. It was such a joy, inspiration, and motivation for me. I got so many compliments from judges on how they enjoyed counting and judging you all. That is very cool. I hope you enjoyed it as well.

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28 Responses to "Monday 100215"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. paul Says:
  4. that was an amazing experience. i have never been more proud to be a part of CFO!! We have some ridiculous athletes.

    also, what was Ben's final rank?
  5. BC Says:
  6. Just got home a little while ago and even though I got my a$$ handed to me on a silver platter I had a blast the whole weekend. Congrats to all of our athletes who competed, and especially to our 9 qualifiers, you men and ladies are amazing! Lastly, that Air Force WOD is the worst thing since Nazis.
  7. Unknown Says:
  9. Allison H :) Says:
  10. Attention CFO! Our coaches are bad asses! Thanks a million times over! Its a celebration!!!!!!
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. Attention CFO! Our coaches are bad asses! Thanks a million times over! Its a celebration!!!!!!
  13. Rita Says:
  14. Thanks for posting web addresses of video, Neil. Fun to watch.

    Today's WOD: 12:55 rx'd

    I think I did this last summer in August when we were following other affiliate programming and DNF.

    My goal this morning was 15 minutes. So I'm glad it was faster than that. DU were more consistent than then other day, but that's what's slowing my time down even more than burpees.

    It's a happy little wod to start a Monday.

    Have a great day, CFO! Hopefully, many of you have it off?

  15. Mel C Says:
  16. Congrats to those who qualified and to those who went to compete! You all did awesome and we have a kick ass gym!
  17. Unknown Says:
  18. Nice work to all CFO competitors!! Congrats to qualifiers!! It was an incredible experience, we definitely have some amazing athletes. Thanks Ricky for the fantastic coaching, it helped guide us through. Thanks to all the coaches for pushing us everyday to reach our potential! CFO rocks, we have such a fun crew. Love yas!
  19. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  20. Wow that was a great time!! Fantastic job everyone, we all gave it 100%. Can't wait for next year. Thanks to all the coaches and cheering section at the game. Look out 2011 I think we are going to have a bigger group there Im sure of it.
  21. Becky Says:
  22. Awesome job this weekend all. I'm very proud to be part of CFO, and we totally represented this weekend. Congrats to all you qualifiers...everyone was amazing. Thanks to all our awesome coaches who make sure our form and technique are on par, unlike many others. Great job everybody!
  23. Shelley Says:
  24. This was a fantastic weekend at sectionals!! Everyone associated with CFO should be extremely proud of our coaches, athletes and fans. I didn't know what to expect going in, but I loved it!!! It was great to have a cheering section and great to see so many competitors putting it all out there. Anyone who didn't go this year should plan on it for 2011.
  25. Tovar Says:
  26. I would also like to add that this weekend was frickin awesome! I haven't had so much fun working my ass off in a long time. To all those that competed; JOB WELL DONE! It was awesome to see so many of our CFO peeps step out of their comfort zone and take on a new challenge. And to all those that came out to support us, especially my wife, thank you very much. Special thanks to the CFO training crew for whipping us into shape:)
  27. Eric C Says:
  28. WOW. This weekend was the toughest/best thing I have ever done! It's hard finding the right words to describe it. I am proud of all the competitors and incredibly honored to be associated with such great people.
  29. Unknown Says:
  30. Awesome weekend, awesome friends, awesome coaches. I'm a little upset with my first workout performance, but I now know what I need to improve. Team tryouts here I come!!
  31. MeganMcNamara Says:
  32. GREAT weekend! Everyone did awesome, thanks again to everyone for coming and for everyone's support, and for those who came and cheered me on especially since it was always so DAMN early ha! Can't wait for CO and I'm excited to start training harder! A special thanks to Ricky, Joe, Jon, Amanda, and Kylie and Katie Morgan because she is the one who got me started in crossfit :)LOVE it. see yall soon! I love CFO.
  33. Brandon Says:
  34. Awesome weekend everyone! It was pretty inspirational to see you guys putting forth such a badass effort, very humbling. I didn't get to cheer much on the first day we were there, but I screamed for you guys when I could. The second day, I screamed myself hoarse, making up for day 1. Nick, I'm with you on the team tryouts. :-)
  35. paul Says:
  36. It was such a let-down to leave! I wish we could've stayed and partied. (Bad Paul is definitely due for a re-appearance.)

    Humbling is just the word, Brandon. The best part of this weekend for me is that I feel more motivated than ever to get more fit. These were amazing workouts for finding weaknesses. I want to do them all again in a year and see how they go.

    Congratulations to all who competed, and especially those who qualified!! And thanks to all our CFO coaches for making us as fit as we are. Our gym has very high standards, and if it didn't, I don't think I would've survived this weekend.
  37. Eric C Says:
  38. Do we need a CFO social this Friday?
  39. Steve Says:
  40. Or at least a stink and drink on Thursday.

    Congrats to all, it was great work and a fun time.
  41. Tovar Says:
  42. Eric and Steve, we definitely want to get something planned for a get together sometime this week. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great. It would be nice to do it on a Friday night so everyone can let loose a little bit. Afterall, we deserve it.
  43. Allison H :) Says:
  44. Those videos are cool! Still can't believe we were there and a part of something so crazy! BIIIG Congrats to all the qualifiers, competitors, our wonderful coaches, the support from spectators, and for the great team we have for all members of CFO!
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. Great job this weekend CFO! Thanks for posting the links to the videos Neil!

    DNF today's workout, had 30 more sit ups to do (finished it anyway). Good work 4:30!

  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. Oh and I got my first DUs today! Got 3 in a row during the WOD! I'm pretty excited about that.
  49. Joe W Says:
  50. I've never posted on my own blog before. So I guess this is important. I just want to say how proud I am of all you. Not only those of you who competed, but those who made the trip in support, and to every single person associated with our wonderful gym. Reading all of your comments tell me that Rick and I made a good decision to quit our jobs and spend our days and night training you clowns. I'm happy you all enjoyed the weekend so much, ya'll better get your caravans ready for Denver! Tell more people to post on this blog, tell the slackers to get in the gym at least four days a week, and tell your friend/family/co-workers about CFO. Once again, strong work this weekend, sorry I wasn't there but Libby could pop at anytime! I was on the web every five second though, and I'm sure Ricky was getting annoyed with my constant texting. Much Love - Joe
  51. MeganMcNamara Says:
  52. yesss!!!! CFO social for sure!
  53. Jenni Says:
  54. Stink and drink this Friday!!! I'm so insanely proud of you guys and our gym. Not only do we have amazing athletes, but our coaches rock. I'd put Crossfit Omaha up against any other gym at anytime.
  55. Greg MO Says:
  56. I want to send a special THANK YOU to all thos who came just to support us!! I kno its tuf siting 4 hours on end on thos hard benches and i think all thos who competed would agree, we couldn't do it without you guys!!!

    Great job to all thos that competed this wkend!! its awesome to showcase our strong team mentality to the crossfit community!!! I hope i am able to participat for years to come!

    I hope our groups get bigger and bigger every year so all thos who see us will know who we are and say "look out, here come those bad asses from Omaha!!!"

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