Saturday 100102

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Back Squat 85% x 3 x 5

Back squats are to be done sets across. Warm-up to your working weight and then perform 5 sets of 3 reps at that same weight.

followed by,

3 rounds for time of:
10 Sumo Dead-lift High Pulls, 132#/93#
50 Pushups

Post back squat weight and met-con time to comments.

An awesome New Year's spent with friends. Anyone do anything special?

Post to comments.

A reminder to all that with the new year, CrossFit Omaha will require signing up to all classes. Please get in the habit of signing up for the class you will be attending. We understand that this will take some time getting used to but is really easy to do.

If you are still unsure of exactly how to sign in for classes or are having difficulty with the system, please bring it up to one of the coaches and we'll work to get you squared away. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to a fantastic 2010.

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7 Responses to "Saturday 100102"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Happy New Year from Afghanistan!!!
    I had the opportunity last night to watch these videos and would like to pass them on:


    Nothing else to do on New Years except study up and practice the oly lifts.

    I wish everyone competing this year great success and look forward to getting back into things when I get back home.

  3. BigD Says:
  4. Stay safe out there Jeremy!
    Ummmmm...WTF with the post above?
    Had an intimate but motivated class of those who braved the sub-degree weather for 8AM.
    274 for 5 sets of 3 on squats. Ricky having us go a little narrower with toes way out was a cool change of pace. Thanks GregP and Brian for pushing me through.
    12:08 as RX'd on the WOD. After the first set of 50 on pushups killed me I took the tabat approach to them. Fun stuff.
    As for New Years, the best part was watching my Buckeyes handle the Ducks in the Rose Bowl. Go Bucks!
  5. paul Says:
  6. Actually did CFO WOD today!

    275 for squats, 13:29 for metcon.

    Can't wait to be back in our gym on Monday!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. why are there porn links on the comments section?
  9. Ricky Frausto Says:
  10. I erased the the above posted link above and will continue to do so when crap is posted here.

    All I ask is that if you post here on the comments section, please reveal yourself at least by first name.

  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Did anyone notice on the mainsite that it was posted "Angie" "Cindy" and then "Barbara"?? That was three days of the mainsite programming? What sense does that make? I would like to understand the possible reasoning on that one...

    I did a mishmosh in my basement....i am really really tired of box jumps but it seems to be something I do almost daily now! uggg...cannot wait until I am healed!
  13. Shelley Says:
  14. Did this WOD today (Sunday) with Paul. Our rest on back squat was the time I watched him and him watching me do each set. Did 205# for 5 sets of 3; these felt good.

    Metcon took me 17:00 minutes using 95# on SDHP and pushups Rx'd. I didn't break up any SDHP on any of the sets. I did pushups 5x5 for the first 25 and then it was 3 and 2 after that until the last round of pushups. In the last round, I started with 2 at a time and the last 20 were 1 at a time.

    This WOD felt pretty good too.

Thanks For Visiting!