Nov 2009

Thursday 091126

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

If you would like to get a workout in before the barrage of awesome food comes your way, the gym will be open.

Thanksgiving day: 8:30AM to 10AM
Friday: 11:30AM to 1PM
Saturday: 8AM and 9AM classes only

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7 Responses to "Thursday 091126"

  1. ZachR Says:
  2. Happy Thanksgiving, CFO.
  3. BigD Says:
  4. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  5. Courtney B Says:
  6. Happy Thanksgiving all!!
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. Made up 1 RM back squat; got a new PR by 10 #'s to get 241. Failed once each at 236 and 241 before getting it.

    Made up Monday's true fitness wod afterwards and got a total of 1150
    Just missed by a garage door length getting the last 200. Disappointed in that. Did 286# on DL which felt hard, 164 air squats and then 3 200 meter runs. My first run I felt like it took me a bit to get my legs working.

    Thanks for the tips and for watching me on back squat BC, Jim, and Joe.

    Great job BC on all those squats; way to get 20 reps out on your last set.

    Fun to work out with Danielle and Amanda on the true fitness WOD. Always good to work out with someone else.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! Go enjoy some good eats with family and friends. I know I will!
  9. Crystal Says:
  10. Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope you all get to spend time with your family and friends.
  11. hannah eileen Says:
  12. Happy Thanksgiving, fitters! Have a great day!
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. Happy Turkey Day all!!!! :)

Thanks For Visiting!