Nov 2009

Wednesday 091125

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
5 rounds of:
1 Full Snatch (must catch in squat)
3 Overhead Squats
25 KB Sumo Dead-lift High Pulls (below knee)
Rest 90 seconds

Rx'd weight is 82.5% or higher of 1RM Snatch/1.5 pood for men, 1 pood for gals. You may start at 82.5% and incrementally move up each round if you wish but prescribed must start at 82.5%.

You must perform a full squat snatch from the ground. The rep does not count if the weight is not caught in a full squat.

The squat from the full snatch does not count as first overhead squat.

The top of the kettle bell handle need only be lowered below the knee before the next rep ensues. At the top, the hands must touch any part of the body above the collarbone with the elbows high.

Post weight(s) used (plus what percentage of 1RM snatch) and any missed snatch attempts to comments.

Super heavy weight division. The weights snatched are 462 and 468, respectively.

Thanksgiving hours are as follows:

Thanksgiving Day: 8AM to 10:30AM
Friday: 11:30AM to 1PM
Saturday: 8AM and 9AM classes only

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6 Responses to "Wednesday 091125"

  1. Cari Says:
  2. 48# Snatch/OHS - 13:38 ... won't be back in until Monday. 6am did awesome as usual. Hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving!!
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. 88# Snatch/OHS at 11:30

    OK, Weird. Finished, looked around, and wondered if I skipped a first "finished first"! Seriously, I should probably do heavier weight even tho it's Rx'ed as the Snatch's and OHS are finally starting to click.

    Great Job 6amers!
  5. BC Says:
  6. 14:10 w/ 88#. As Men on Film from In Living Color might say..."hated it."
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Again BC, I'm on pins and needles for your descriptions!
  9. Steve Says:
  10. BC-
    Obscure reference from the early 90's.

    As rx'd at 110. Will be in tmrw morning to make up the last of my 1 rm.
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. 10:00, we all had 1:30 to complete round, and rest together 1:30, etcm 53# as 82.5% rxd. Very tender and sore today, but felt good to work my muscles and loosen up a bit! Good work 5:30! And happy thanksgiving to all! :)

Thanks For Visiting!