Nov 2009

Tuesday 091124

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Push Jerk 1RM

Find your one rep max in the push jerk

Post weight to comments.

Pyrros Dimas, another of the great Olympic lifters of the modern era. This lift won him the gold medal at the 1996 Olympic games in Atlanta. The amazing thing about it is that he uses the push jerk to get it overhead when most other athletes are using the split jerk. Oh yeah, the weight is 213 kilos or 468.60 pounds. Amazing.

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18 Responses to "Tuesday 091124"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 198 (PR). half jerked, half push-pressed 208. that's a PR for half-assed lift attempts. it is the most I have ever locked out in such an ugly way.
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. 198 (PR) for me. Felt good. I really dig the way we're doing these....thanks for all the team support!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Are we doing the push jerk in the circle of trust again? Like the push press?
  7. paul Says:
  8. HA! Yes, we used the 'circle of trust' method for push jerk. Just don't try to put the terms 'circle of trust' and 'push jerk' together...
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Should I have called it the ring of fire instead?
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 208, tried 218 and had to resort to press.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 208, tried 218 and had to resort to press.
  15. hannah eileen Says:
  16. Just an update: ZachR is out of surgery and doing well. They found more than anticipated in there, but fixed it all. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. He'll be back in as soon as he is physically able.
  17. Allison H :) Says:
  18. That's great Hannah! Glad everything went well... and they were able to repair everything!

    I felt sucky today!!! only got a real push jerk at 87lbs... not a pr... attempted 97lbs but according to the powers that be it was a press... and time ran out. I will have to keep working on the jerk! Quads are very tender from yesterday.... maybe that made my jerk weaker... whatev... I'm workin on this fo-sho! :)
  19. Paula Says:
  20. Thanks for the update Hannah....I glad the surgery went well!!! We are thinking of him!!

    As for the jerks...119#...PR by 2lbs. I need to continue working on being more powerful and keeping elbows up. Jon probably sounds like a broken record.

    Jen S. and Becky- it was fun working with you guys again tonite...I wonder what the next topic of conversation will be the next time we're together? LOL!!!

    Great job on all the PR's today!!!
  21. Becky Says:
  22. Great job 4:30! Paula and Jen it was a blast. I did 119# as well, PR by 7, so I can't complain at all.

    Hannah, thanks for the update...Give ZachR our best and tell him to get better.

    See everyone tomorrow!
  23. Becky Says:
  24. Great job 4:30! Paula and Jen it was a blast. I did 119# as well, PR by 7, so I can't complain at all.

    Hannah, thanks for the update...Give ZachR our best and tell him to get better.

    See everyone tomorrow!
  25. BC Says:
  26. Joined the 5:30 class tonight which was a nice change of pace, though it's just as dark out as it as at 6am.

    154#, which is a 22# pr, but that's mostly because I got better at the overall technique, but still have a ways to go. My push press is still heavier than my jerk. Nice job 5:30, and thanks for the help Jimmy G.
  27. ZachR Says:
  28. I am already jealous of all the PRs I'm reading about. Just wanted to say Hi and let everyone know I am doing fine. Hannah is taking great care of me...even shared her pork ribs with me tonight!
  29. Cari Says:
  30. 98# which isn't a PR; was at 99# last time but maybe before it wasn't legit according to the new judges in town; ha. Really need to work on technique on this one. Congrats to everyone on their PRs and improving form for next time!

    Happy to hear you're doing well Zach; hope you're back in getting PRs soon.
  31. Mark Says:
  32. Pretty interesting article from Robb Wolf you all should read... WOW!
  33. Allison H :) Says:
  34. I can barely walk at work tonight... my legs are on FIRE!!!!!!!!!! heaven forbid I come across stairs!!!
  35. Addi Says:
  36. 142, which is 5 pounds less than my previous max. I'm thinking my old 147 probably also wasn't legit - I'm sure I've been counting press-outs. My technique is pretty crap on this and and push press. Good news is that, as usual, Jon Day waited until the very end to tell me how to fix it. Better news is that I know what to do next time.

    Congrats to Stacie on her HUGE PR! Ridiculous.

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