The clock will be set to three consecutive 4 minute intervals. Within the first 4 minute interval, work up to the heaviest dead-lift you can muster for a single rep. At the conclusion of this 4 minute interval and at the sound of the buzzer, you will immediately try and perform as many honest air squats as possible in the second 4 minute interval. At the conclusion of the second 4 minute interval and at the sound of the buzzer, you will then try and complete as many 200 meter runs as you can in the third 4 minute interval.
Your score will be your heaviest successful dead-lift in pounds added to your total amount of correctly performed air squats added to the total amount of completed 200's in meters from each respective 4 minute time-frame.
1. You are allowed to drop the weight after each successful dead-lift.
2. You must load the bar yourself.
3. There is no rest between the dead-lift time-frame, air squat time-frame, and running time-frame.
4. Honest squats are low enough and high enough (hips and knees locked out).
5. If you are in the middle of a run when time runs out, you may not count any part of that run towards your total.
6. Dress for wet weather as it may be raining.
Post score to comments.

Even Arnold was smart enough to dead-lift.
300 pound dead-lift
200 air squats
6 completed 200 meter runs
Score = 1700
This is assuming your air squats were honest with the correct depth achieved and that you actually stand all the way up at the top.
I loved this WOD. 1380.
Great job, 6am!
328#DL, 118 squats, 3 200's (missed number 4 by about 5 seconds)
This is an important movie about American "food" that everyone should watch...If you don't watch it here try renting it, just more reason to be paleo, etc...
my legs were all sorts of cramped up when we started the runs! small PR on DL, but I'll take it! Can't wait to pull over 200 someday....
good times 4:30 peeps :)
Awesome job 4:30!!
Great job 5:30!!
Finished the last run with about 5 seconds to spare. Legs were jello.
I am having surgery on my left shoulder tomorrow morning so I won't be around the gym for a little while. I'll be back as soon as I can move my arm again...
Good work 5:30!!
Great job 6am peeps. ;u)
Air Squats-155
4 Runs
Best wishes ZachR! Can't believe you were hoisting that much weight with a bum shoulder to start with! Speedy recovery eh.
Changed the runs to 2 all-out sprints (well, as all-out as I thought it prudent to go wearing my 5 Fingers in the rain.
Got greedy on the deadlift and jumped from 284 to 318 (would have PR'd)... surprisingly enough, that didn't really work out for me. Oh well.