Push Jerk @ 72.5%
Depending on your 1RM, you will either perform a set/rep scheme of 5 sets of 3, 4 sets of 4, or spend the better part of 10 to 15 minutes just working the technique.
followed by,
12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
176/120 pound Thrusters
To get into position for the thrusters, you must take it from the floor. No racks will be used. L-pullups, prescribed, require that you keep the heels above the bottom-most part of the hips when the legs are straight out in front. Holding this position, you must get the chin, noticeably, above the bar at the top and have both the elbows and shoulders lock out at the bottom.
Post push jerk weight and met-con time to comments.
A short video from 2007 in Santa Cruz, Ca where Joe and I became CrossFit certified. This video shows Coach Glassman explain how Fran came about and why 21-15-9.
154x4x4 for jerks.
a lot of crazy athleticism at 6am today--props to Greg Mo and big Paul for going rx'ed on thrusters!
Metcon: It was heavy and I finished last. I couldn't find the calendar they used to time me. 133#
Greg Mo and Big Paul are freak'n savage.
Scaled with 132# and increasingly ;) heavy bands on the pull ups and still really struggled with the pull-ups. My guess is that a STRICT diet will help my STRICT pullups by getting my FAT ass UNFAT!!!
14:03 but still Fat, not phat.
Scaled metcon to 132# on thrusters and brown bands on L pulls. 13:25. This one kicked my ass (just like every other CFO workout)!
Lot's of fun at noon!
metcon - 13:45 scaled to 110# & tan band. didn't like it.
Metcon - 12:10 (154#)
Did a squat clean thruster every time I dropped the bar meaning I did a lot of squat clean thrusters!! L pullups were tough but easier than I thought.
Good work to everyone at 4:30 today.
77# push jerk, 4X4
63# thursters in metcon (70% of 1rm push press as suggested by Ricky), used blue band for L pullups. This was a tough one especially with trying to keep form with those Ls!
Nick P, Tovar, Zack J, and Jake all kicked ass today! You guys are AAAmazing CRAZY strong! Good work gentlemen! :)
Awesome work nooners! :)
As for the metcon, I started with 87# for thrusters and the blue band for L pullups. I then switched to 77# for thrusters and the tan band for L pullups. Finished in 9:49. My shoulders are fried.
Great job 4:30! Impressed by those of you who can do L pullups Rx'd.