Perform 2 rounds of pull-ups between 74 and 76% of your max reps. Rest as needed between rounds.
followed by,
"2 Minute Defense"
5 rounds of: (137#/92#)
1 Power Clean
3 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Jerks
200 foot run
After the 5 rounds, rest 2 minutes. Repeat. Record total time.
Post pull-ups and total met-con time to comments.

JenT vs. The Prowler
A reminder that Sunday's open gym time is at 10AM.
Did 82# on metcon; completed in 10:13; 1st round was 4:03 and second was 4:10 with the 2 minute rest in between. I thought the jerks were the hardest part of this wod.
Metcon - 10:08 Rx'd - Not surprisingly, I liked this one. Hang squat cleans were a little brutal until I got tired and started dropping under the bar like I'm supposed to. Could have run faster, but... meh.
The 2 minute drill KILLED me. I can't figure out why. I was in bed by 10pm Fri and Sat nights. And I only had a couple of brews Saturday night. Maybe it's that time of the month.... I don't know.