As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Pushups
8 2-Pood Kettle Bell Swings (1.5 for gals)
We will spend a little time on muscle-up technique, but during the workout, if you do not have muscle-ups, substitute 8 CTB pull-ups or 10 throat to bar pull-ups.
For hspu's, you can use bands or do a handstand hold/pushup combination.
Post completed rounds to comments.

Andrew Sebastian
8 Rounds complete plus MUs
Scales to MUs with the Box and Negative HSPUs.
Great job 6amers!
I wouldn't say I rocked the house this morning, but it was waaaaay better than yesterday.
8 rnds as rx'd. (6 swings short of 9)
GDawg, Wallpaper over muscleups??? Really??? : )
Ricky told us "NO HSPU". I'm sorry, but your workout doesn't count. You can redo it tomorrow. : )
nice job today guys!!