Gymnastic Development Day
No weighted stuff today. This is a great opportunity for you to improve upon body-weight movements.
Work on L-Pullups, Strict Pull-ups, Kipping Pull-ups (if you don't have them), Ring Dips, Ring Pushups, Ring Rows, HSPUs, Handstand Walking, and/or any of the above, weighted with dumbbells.
Have fun today working at things you don't normally get a chance to work at.
Post what you did to comments.

Oh, where did the weather go?
On my way to Pierre, SD for some pheasant hunting...won't be in this weekend! I'll have some making up to do on weds!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Peterson crew, thanks in advance for the hospitality tomorrow! Can't wait for another fun bonfire. We'll have to take another CFO picture. (I think there will be a few more people in it this year...)