Tuesday 090908

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Overhead Squat 1RM

followed by

3 rounds for time of:
50 Kettle Bell Swings @ 1.5/1 pood
50 Air Squats

Do you stand all the way up, including lockout of both HIP and KNEE, for every rep of air squats?

Post highest weight lifted and met-con time to comments/logwod.

The gym, a little more than a year ago.

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21 Responses to "Tuesday 090908"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Some impressive OHS by the crew at 6am. Nice work, as always!

    164 for OHS (PR) and 10:35 for the metcon.
  3. Greg MO Says:
  4. OHS= 242#
    met-con= 9:25

    No PR on OHS 2day, need to get stronger with my lockout so i can get more weight overhead, 4 some reason quads were tired 2day and it took 4ever to get final weight locked out....Metcon was way tuffer then i thought, props to Ang on that time....

    Question-if i can snatch balance a heavier weight can i count that as an OHS attempt also?
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. OHS 186# PR. Thanks for the help BC. Nice job on your PR.
    Metcon = DNF. That was TOUGH!
    What did we have, 3 people finish as Rx'd? I wasn't even close. Using the erector spinae and multifidus muscles (low back muscles) too much caused lower back cramping during the workout. I think that is from bending too much and not keeping the chest up and popping the hips. Probably a combo of poor technique and lack of strength. Either way, it was brutal for me.

    You are a STUD if you finish this one! (GregMo, Paul, Ang)
  7. Gina Says:
  8. OHS-114#, a new pr for me. I didn't finish the metcon in the 12 min, got through 2 rounds and 21 swings. It was a lot tougher than I thought it would be.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Nice job this morning everyone!
    I got a new PR today on OHS at 139#! I was pretty excited about it. Hardest part is getting it up. I ended up doing a version of a jerk for the last sets; only way I could do it. Thanks for your help today Lindsey.
    8:30 for the met-con. It was tough. I had no grip by the last round of swings.
  11. paul Says:
  12. 8:30 for that is just ridiculous! Ang, you should start having to use the 1.5 pood.
  13. Mark Says:
  14. Came in at noon today. OHS: 208# - tied with my previous PR (I think). Then DNF for the metcon. Not even close, actually. I finished 39 swings in the 3rd round. Congrats to those that finished it, that was really brutal.
  15. Brian Says:
  16. Ouch....another humbling experience. OHS are my El Guapo! 99# and DNFed the MetCon. Punished myself with some Tobatta pushups with Eric and Dave....thanks guys. I'll be traveling Wed and Thursday....workouts on the road until Friday morning. Nice job 6amers and see ya Friday!

  17. Jess Says:
  18. OHS=73#
    Metcon=DNF, I had 43 air squats to go when time was called. This metcon was rough today. Good luck later groups.

    Great job 6am peeps! :u)
  19. linds Says:
  20. OHS 129#
    Metcon 10:48 rx'd, that was a tough one. Great job morning crew!
  21. Addi Says:
  22. OHS 142# - Getting overhead is the limiting factor. We'll get those reds next time, Stacie.

    Metcon = 11:22, I think. I <3 shrug-swings. But not lactic acid.
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Excited for tomorrow - I was just thinking about max pullups this morning.

    (When you watch a pool of lap swimmers and water "fitness" classes for 6 1/2 hours every morning, you think about a lot of things. Mostly about all the things you'd rather be doing. Like pullups. Or sleeping. Mostly sleeping.)
  25. Allison H :) Says:
  26. OHS and kb swings are my little enemies! They are what I see in the wod for the next day and think, "OH lordy here we go again..." lol! But today was better than I thought since I partnered up with Deb P and she wouldn't take no for an answer on getting our PR OHS! So we did 87# and the kb metcon, I did 2 rounds and got 10 swings into round 3 when 12:00 was up and I was speeeent!
    Great work noon and to those who finished the metcon today - tip of the hat to you! :)
  27. Danielle Says:
  28. OHS got to 87# not a PR but it felt great. Time ran out otherwise I would have gone higher, I did not hate them today, which is strange, Footing felt right, depth felt right, I want to get better at these.

    DNF on metcon, Got 32 swings in the last round when time was called. Thanks to Greg and Cari for finishing the WOD after time was called!!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Did 107# on OHS which is a PR. This is one I definitely need to work on. Did metcon in 11:14. That was a tough one!

  31. BC Says:
  32. OHS 142# which I'm pretty sure is a pr, for some reason I can't seem to find what my previous pr but I'm quite confident it was no where near that.

    As for the metcon, DNF. 2 rounds plus 38 swings. Really rough.
  33. Cari Says:
  34. 68# on OHS and they felt surprisingly good today; should have made bigger jumps b/c 68 felt really good and pretty sure I could have gotten more but we were out of time. Actually looking forward to next time these come up!
    DNF on the metcon; finished 15 swings of the 3rd round; waited 2 mins and finished w/ Danielle and Greg. Great job 5:30!!
  35. Paula Says:
  36. OHS-92#- same as when we did this 3 wks ago.
    Metcon- a big DNF!! I was into 32 KB swings in 3 rd with time was called!! That was definitely a tough one. Great job on all of you who finished!!!
  37. Crystal Says:
  38. 92# OHS. I think this is a PR. Didn't see the sheets posted & couldn't remember from the last time. Because of time went straight to 102 got it up but not very stable dropped it. Went down to 97 & tried. Same thing. Pretty happy with the weight. More happy with my squat & technique. Joe had to remind me when he remembered that I couldn't even overhead squat a PVC. Pretty sad That my OHS were ever that bad huh? I have come a long way. Thanks Joe & Jon for helping me with that squat depth.

    DNF on metcon. Finished 2 rounds + 36 swings. Back became so tight. I would like to give it another try. I actually liked this one.
  39. Gdawg Says:
  40. This comment has been removed by the author.
  41. Nichole Says:
  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

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