Wednesday 090819

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


CrossFit West Santa Cruz will now be the default affiliate WOD followed, should a workout not be posted to your respective affiliate.

Post times, rounds, or weights lifted and thoughts to comments.

EvaT. from the top view of a Turkish Get-up.

Post your thoughts about this article to comments. Where else can the application of CrossFit methodology be effective?

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19 Responses to "Wednesday 090819"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. FRCF:

    For time on the 10 minute interval:

    3 x 1000 meter run

    Finished in 4:11, 4:06 and 4:11 for an average of 4:09 and deviation of 2 seconds. The last 1000 meters was in a downpour so that was fun...

    Great job 6 a.m.!

  3. GregP Says:
  4. "Singiiiing in the" ... Whoops "Runniiing in the rain" Great job 6am especially the 3rd run in the downpour! Way to push thru. I am just glad this did not have a birthday attached to it. Who knows what cruel thing would have been added during the rest time.

    4:58, 5:06, 5:12, 5:05 average, 7 secs difference.

    Try and stay dry the rest of the day.
  5. Jess Says:
  6. FRCF WOD-4:54, 5:01, 5:07 for an average of 5 mins and 7 second deviation. The last run was rough because I felt like I was carrying 10 extra lbs from my wet clothes/shoes. Great job 6 am peeps!
  7. paul Says:
  8. That was way less fun that I thought it would be.

    3:49, 3:54, 4:11. Avg: 3:57. really lost it on the last run.

    Great job, everyone. This is another one I just could not do without everyone else working hard around me.
  9. BC Says:
  10. 3:54, 3:51, 3:59 - 3:54 avg and 5 second deviation.

    There was definitely some healthy competition this morning which made this a lot of fun, and the rain added a fun dynamic to the whole thing. Great job everyone and thanks for pushing me, like Paul there's no way I could've done as well on my own.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 4:01, 3:51, and 3:59. I was really worried about slipping and falling, especially for the first run. It was kinda slick. Average was 3:57. Nice job everyone. Thanks for the competition today guys.
  13. Greg MO Says:
  14. 3:44, 3:55, 4:03
    Avg.=3:54 Dev.= :08

    need windshield wipers 4 my specs, sukd at the time but now thinkn bout it that was pretty fun...only with this group would any of us consider doing that in a complete washout...

    Kudos 6am 4 stikin it out through that, nice work!!!
  15. Gdawg Says:
  16. that article is really interesting! I would have never thought about crossfit/math put together! how creative! it makes me want to get a whiteboard up for my kids at work right now! I always hated math...wonder how I would've done with a curriculum like that...just shows how functional crossfit is! nice job 6am-ers!!
  17. Mel C Says:
  18. FML. I think I skipped a round durnig the workout Ricky made up for us. There is no way I finished before Hannah and Jen S. DANG IT!
  19. Allison H :) Says:
  20. Noon MBS -
    10 DLs - 57.5% 1 rep max
    15 burpees
    200 m run
    X 4 rounds

    I used 109# today for DLs % range

  21. ZachR Says:
  22. 15-12-9-6-3 Deadlifts (155#)
    3-6-9-12-15 Box Jumps (mid-thigh)

    24 inch box with yellow bumper


    A very good rest day workout!
  23. Becky Says:
  24. The article was definitely interesting...I leanred craps in a geometry class, but the WOD would've been awesome! Ricky's workout was fun today. I did 96# I think and 24in box. Finished in 5:21 or something...Good stuff. Great job today all!
  25. hannah eileen Says:
  26. LOVED that wod. It was great. I did the 4:30 "rest day" one. I finished at like 4:38. My box (ha) was 24"+ red plate. Those jumps got hard. My dl were 99#. Great job 4:30! I realized today that my early afternoon days might be over soon; I start night classes Monday. We'll see how that goes.
  27. B3nj4m1n Says:
  28. Did a heavy short variation of Chief. 2 hang power cleans, 4 pushups, 6 air squats, as many rounds as possible in 2 minutes, rest 1 minute repeat 5 times. The cleans got heavy at the end but my technique was off today. Finished 5-4-4-4-4. Great job 5:30. Glad the blog is backup rather than the .com page which confused me earlier.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Way to go 4:30! Great rest day WOD.
  31. Gdawg Says:
  32. This comment has been removed by the author.
  33. Kelli Says:
  34. 5:30 wod: Rx'd. Consistently hit 3 rounds.
  35. Danielle Says:
  36. 5:30 also did 3 rounds each time with 99#.
  37. Addi Says:
  38. 5:30... I'm calling it Chief Ricky...

    4 rounds each time with 110# - I was NOT expecting those to feel that heavy. Glad I didn't get cocky and do more than prescribed like I thought about doing. Also, you'd think that with only SIX air squats at a time, you wouldn't be tempted to break them up. Not the case for me. I managed not to give in, but that fourth round was tough. Pushups felt awesome - didn't have to break those up either.

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