Thursday 090820

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


CrossFit West Santa Cruz will now be the default affiliate WOD followed, should a workout not be posted to your respective affiliate.

Post times, rounds, or weights lifted and thoughts to comments.

Coach Glassman speaks on evidence based fitness, namely safety, efficacy, and efficiency. What's the difference between CrossFit methodology and other programs, if implemented correctly?

This is what you guys do. It's a part of your life. Learn why it is evidence based. Understand CrossFit, don't just do it.

Post thoughts to comments.

A lot of changes are taking place in the gym. The community is growing. There are about to be more educational seminars offered. Social and charitable events such as the med ball tournament and the upcoming Fight Gone Bad IV fundraiser. Brand spanking new shirts are in the works that I feel everyone will like.

One other change will be taking place on this website. I am in the process of updating to a new template. Its a tedious process but I love to work on this type of stuff. Be on the lookout for a new and spruced up blog.

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16 Responses to "Thursday 090820"

  1. BC Says:
  2. Ricky changed it up for us this morning.

    30 BW back squats
    200m run
    30 burpees

    1 round, hard and fast. 5:48 @ 154#. I did not enjoy those squats at all. Nice job everyone.
  3. BigD Says:
  4. 30 squats w/193#
    220 M run
    30 burpees
    time - 6:08
    Great job 6AMers!
    Thanks Jess and Eric C for hitting the tabata abs with me!
  5. BigD Says:
  6. Oops, make that 200M run. Damn shaky fingers!
  7. paul Says:
  8. I want to do this one! seriously needed a rest day, though.
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. Rick's WOD= 4:11 w/208#

    Nice work 6amers!!!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Ricky's workout: 3:54 at 120#. I'm thinking maybe I should have upped it the few pounds and gone actual bodyweight..... But I didn't.
    Glad we changed up the workout this morning.
    Nice work everyone. Good to see some new people at 6.
  13. Brian H. Says:
  14. 4:28 at 175#.

    That was fun but I too should have upped the weight. First 50 meters of run....hello lactic acid!!
  15. linds Says:
  16. Jess and I did noon's workout, we completed 6 rounds of 20 C&J and 20 ball slams. Great job, Jess!! Also, I got my first muscle up today!!!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. In N Carolina visiting friends;showed one of my friends the website as she hadn't heard of Crossfit. Will do this workout tomorrow a.m. at her gym here. See everyone Monday!

  19. paul Says:
  20. Congrats, Linds! Wish I'd been there to see it. You were so close before, i knew it'd happen soon!
  21. Allison H :) Says:
  22. did MBS wod @ 4:30 with Kersten for 5 rounds :)

    congrats Lindsay on the first muscle up! We all knew it was going to happen soon! You'll have to show me how it's done I am back to noon class :)
  23. Eric C Says:
  24. 30 BW squats scaled to 155.
    200 m run
    30 f-ing burpees
    5:38 ish

    I had to do 3 sets of the squats because I can't keep the frick'n bar from sliding down my back. That and my legs are WEAK!

    I've got some ideas for a crossfit golf tournament... And maybe even a crossfit volleyball tournament as well. Who heads up that comittee?
  25. Brandon Says:
  26. "Filthy Fifty" at 5:30... everyone was awesome at this WOD today. I love CrossFit... :-)

    As RX'd 30:00 flat

  27. Danielle Says:
  28. Filthy 50 DNF in 25 it took me 33:??. Wow i didnt have much juice left when i got to wall balls and burpee's. So anyway its over now. Looking forward to doing it again. Great job Reba!
  29. Mark Says:
  30. Filthy Fifty: 29:36. I'm with Danielle, I had barely anything lieft when I got to wall ball and burpees. I would bet that it took nearly ten minutes from when I started the wall balls to when I called time.

    Tough workout but great effort from everyone at 5:30!!
  31. ZachR Says:
  32. 3 rounds for time:
    10 Deadlifts at 275#
    50 Double Unders


    I really wanted sub 3 on this workout but got tripped up on my last round of double unders. Next time.

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