Sunday 090823

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

The gym is going to be open for those that want to come and try their hand at this workout. Warm-ups start at 1 PM sharp.

"You Ain't Tough Enough"
2 rounds for time of:
20 Sledgehammer Swings (10 each side)
10 Slam Ball Granny Throws
Obstacle Run
10 DB Hang Squat Cleans, 50/35 pound db's
20 Burpees
10 Tire Flips
300 yd shuttle
30 seconds rest

The 300 yd shuttle is 25 yards there and back 6 times, touch the line with your hand. The granny throws are from a squat into the air as high as you can.

Post total time to comments.

Coach Glassman talks about Force, Time, and Distance. I'd recommend listening.

Post thoughts to comments.

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7 Responses to "Sunday 090823"

  1. Danielle Says:
  2. if anyone wants to do a bike ride/obstacle course today let me know. there will be some biking, running, pull-ups and other things. Start at my house and take the trail. It goes all around Zorinsky, then head back. I'm thinking around 4,5, or 6 let me know if you are interested 981-0369.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Hell yes, Danielle.
  5. Jess Says:
  6. 21:13, using 25# DB. I am def use to working out @ 6am. I was not digging the heat @ 1pm. As I type, I am STILL sweating. NICE!!!

    Great job Sunday peeps. :u)
  7. Danielle Says:
  8. Finished today in 19 something. Clock was 23:35 or something and started with the clock 3:55. This was fun today.

    Like the new site...looks nice!!
  9. BigD Says:
  10. Cool redesign of the site.
    25:58 for today's caveman workout. Someone's gotta finish last, right? Lots of fun though and great job to all the folks who were there. Great to see so many 6AMers show up for a 1 PM workout. Need to do something about that big bright shiny thing in the sky.
  11. BigD Says:
  12. Oh, and yes, "caveman workout" is a compliment on how kick-ass this workout was.
    Thanks again Ricky!
  13. BC Says:
  14. 20:49 or so for the "tough enough" wod. Sledge hammers, tires, jumping up retaining walls...this was like recess for grown-ups! Great job everyone, and the new site looks pretty sweet.

Thanks For Visiting!