Saturday 090822

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

"Broken Tailpipe"
In teams of three (guys with guys and gals with gals),
complete two rounds each of:
250 meter row
Two arm Kettlebell Rack Hold (1.5 pood/1 pood)
Kettlebell Swings (2 pood/1.5 pood)

Here are the rules:
  1. While partner 1 is rowing, partner 2 is holding a kettlebell in each arm in a clean rack position with the handles touching at all times (nothing else) and partner 3 is trying to accumulate as many kettlebell swing reps as possible.
  2. Each team member must complete two full rounds of the workout for a total of 6 rounds between them.
  3. The partner holding the kettlebells in the rack position is not allowed to put the bells down or even allow the handles of the bells to separate until the partner rowing is done. FOUL if you break this rule.
  4. FOUL: a round is added on to the end of the workout for your team. This extra round will not count your kettlebell reps towards your final score but will count the extra time it takes to finish.
  5. This workout is scored two ways: A) fastest finish time, B) most kettlebell reps.
Post time and total kb reps to comments. Thoughts too.

What ideas can you come up with to put on jump boxes? Pictures? Sayings? Full designs?

Give me your best idea.

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13 Responses to "Saturday 090822"

  1. B3nj4m1n Says:
  2. Its diet related but I like:

    My ancestors didn’t claw their way to the top of the food chain so I could eat Twinkies.

    Probably way too long though
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Tired of working Saturdays - just a couple more weekends of outdoor pool, and then I should be back!

    Decided to do a 1RM press because I don't know that I've done one since we were at UNO. 95# - technically, probably a PR, but I'm not impressed. Probably didn't help that I ate sh*t yesterday, and not enough of it...

    BUT I redeemed myself a little with a new PR of 7 consecutive strict pullups. Can't complain about that.
  5. BC Says:
  6. Worked with Ron and Jeff S this morning. We finished in 7 something. Nice work fellas and everyone at 10am. Afterward I worked on muscle ups, and with some coaching from Paul and Kahrs I'm definitely closer - not close, but closER - to getting my first one.

    Big garage sale tomorrow at the Foster/Christiansen household. 8am-noon fire sale, everything must go. Toys, little girls clothes, kitchen crap. Need a record player circa 1974 with no speakers? $3. An 80# Everlast heavy bag? $20 and it's yours. Bring your gov't rebate check and drive home happy!
  7. paul Says:
  8. Nice PR, Addi! 7 strict pullups is no joke.

    Teamed up with Greg O and finished in 6:35 with a total of 86 swings between us. Way to go, my brother!
  9. Kelli Says:
  10. I didn't realize the wod was called broken tailpipe until just now. hahaha. don't forget tonight - Creighton vs. Red Fury preseason soccer game. I'll be at the main gate passing out fliers for Maha Music Festival - come find me, I may have a couple of free entries for the game. :)
  11. Addi Says:
  12. Great article on Again Faster...

    I could read Jon Gilson articles all day. Some good jump box-worthy lines in there...

    "The only motivation here is excellence."
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Soooo I did the "black squirell marathon" this morning, and all I have to say is...shhiittttttyy! I discovered a few things about myself today. I am not a good swimmer. Oh, I made it, I just can't get a breathing routine down. Get a good bike! Mine was totally not built for this. I was one of three people that had a mountain bike. I had to stop five times to fix the seat while I watched a bunch of 60 year old women pass me! And the final thing I learned today was that I am NOT an endurance athlete! The one thing that I will say is that I did not train 1 day for this competition. Nothing besides crossfit at all. I think that says a lot for our type of training if we can go do a triathlon when we want to.It may not be pretty, but we can finish it without stopping. 1000 yd swim, 21 mile bike, 10k run. RX'd in 2:36...aka slow!!!

    Nick P
  15. Danielle Says:
  16. i am planning a bike ride/obstacle course tomorrow starting at my house house (156th and Dodge) not sure what it will entail yet, but i do know we will be doing some biking, running up hills, pull-ups, and the rest is to be decided. The trail by my house goes up around Zorinski, so maybe we will ride up to there. Anyway if you are interested let me know 981-0369. Maybe after we can have a BBQ!!! A fun Sunday WOD.
  17. Danielle Says:
  18. here are some quotes:
    Do or Do Not, there is not try..yoda!!

    Growing old is not for sissies."

    Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -- Thomas Edison

    pain is just weakness leaving the body

    "We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level
    of our training"

    definition of Hell: The last day you have on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.

    You can have excuses or results, not both.

    "It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees."

    You can kill me, but you cannot defeat me.

    Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up

    "There is no almost. You either pass or fail, pick one."

    “…what a disgrace it would be for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”-Socrates

    i think that is enough for now.
  19. Steve Says:
  20. Nice list Danielle, can I paraphrase from one of my favorite's?

    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew,
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,
    And so hold on when there is nothing in you,
    Except the Will which says to them, 'Hold On!'
  21. BC Says:
  22. More random quotes...

    "People who cannot motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity." Andrew Carnegie

    "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." Unknown

    "Pain don't hurt." John Rambo

    "Sweep the leg." bad-a$$ karate instructor who got schooled by a bigger bad-a$$ karate instructor, one Mr. Myagi

    "Goonies never say die." Mikey
  23. Gdawg Says:
  24. This comment has been removed by the author.
  25. Allison H :) Says:
  26. BC i love the goonies quote!

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