Monday 090803

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


If a workout is not posted for some reason, CrossFit Santa Cruz will be the default affiliate WOD followed.

Post times, rounds, or weights lifted and thoughts to comments.

Sara F swinging 1.5.

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16 Responses to "Monday 090803"

  1. Eric C Says:
  2. I've been trying for a half an hour to get a picture of a compound ulna/radius fracture (i.e. forearm) inserted into this blog. This is the best I can come up with.

    Once you do the workout, you'll know why.

    12:13. Good job Morning Monsters!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 14:57 with a 1 pood.
    Tough movement. Good workout.
    I keep thinking of how everyone else will do with this.... but no one else will do it.
    Good luck with your own workouts! 6 am did awesome!
  5. Greg MO Says:
  6. CFFR WOD= 10:24
  7. paul Says:
  8. 7 rds

    7 back squats (195)
    7 ring pullups (ctr)

  9. Danielle Says:
  10. Good Morning CFO!! Wowzers you go out of town for a few days and there have been so many changes. While in CO I didnt do any WOD's, but I did hike and go white water rafting, horseback riding (which does feel like a work-out after 6 hours!!). So I am just catching up on the site now. I am excited for the August WOD schedule.

    So about first starting CFO, oh man back in the days, about 2 years ago, I walked into UNO's Field House with my body bugg on my arm, for my first 1:2:1 with Joe. I learned a bunch of new stuff that the trainers at 24 hour never showed me, heard words I would just giggle at not knowing how difficult of a move it was (I am talking about the snatch :) As time went on I always called myself special. I did this because I always was on the smallest bar with the lightest weights, bands, last one to finish. I used to watch Alison and Crystal do their kipping pull-ups and get so jealous that I couldnt do them, they made it look so easy. Then one day they just clicked for me and it felt great to get just one!! DU's....forget about it, those we the worst too for me but I worked on them and feel much better, i still get rope marks but that's ok :)
    I love seeing people get there first kipping pull-up, get du's, do pushups sans band. I know it sucks to be the last one done, but if you are going from bands to no bands you are getting so much stronger. With correct form your times will get better. It took me a while to get push-ups, actually it took me a while to get a lot of things...air squats i just suck at, nutrition is something I continue to work on. That I know is the #1 factor for getting better at your WOD's. I am going to paleo again, my WOD felt so much better when I would eat "good" food. I look forward to many more good strong years at CFO and I encourage everyone to keep pushing yourself, help the new people who continue to walk thru the doors. Ricky, Joe, Kylie, Jon and Amanda are great trainers and there is also another resource out there for you to look at, the Crossfit Journal. There is sooooo much info on there from getting better technique to teaching how to get a muscle up, videos, all types of great things. I think it is only $25 a year or something and worth every penny!!

    Sorry if this was really jumpy, i was at work while I was doing this.
    See ya all tonight!!
  11. Paula Says:
  12. Did the MBS WOD: Deadlifts-197x3 (new PR!)
    Metcon-Jackie- 12:26 with blue band. Should have gone with tan. I did this wod in april in 17:46 and used green band and Ricky's assistance. So a definite improvement. Yeah!!!
    Awesome job nooners!!!
  13. Paula Says:
  15. Allison H :) Says:
  16. MBS @ noon!
    Deadlifts - 175# X3 (92.5% of 1 rep max)

    After that we did Jackie in 15:34 rx'd
    My forearms were so cramped up driving home! What a day! Excellent noon peeps! :)
  17. Mel C Says:
  18. I actually enjoyed FGB! Yay 4:30 Crossfit Central followers!
  19. Kelli Says:
  20. enjoy FGB? well then sign up for the fundraiser Mel! :) Us peeps at 5:30 did the following:
    5 rd Cindy
    10 Clean (135/95)
    5 rd Cindy
    10 Clean
    5 rd Cindy

    I DNF'd - made it through C+10+C+10 and then did 5 pullups and 9 pushups of the last Cindy. 5:30 did an awesome job. Great work everyone!
  21. Addi Says:
  22. 5:30 Santa Cruz Central

    DNF - used 98# - C+10+C+10, 5 pullups, 3 pushups

    Pushups were decent - I never had to go to one at a time, which makes me happy. Cleans felt heavier than I thought they might... this was rough!
  23. B3nj4m1n Says:
  24. Finished in 23 or 24 something. The squat cleans were way harder than I thought they would be. Also, I may have added a sixth Cindy round in the second group of Cindy's. It was so hot I had to chalk-up a bunch. Sorry for the mess. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLIE!!! Great 5:30 or for this month CrossFit Santa Cruz Centralers!
  25. Danielle Says:
  26. 2 rounds of FGB: 143. Looking forward to Sept!!
  27. hannah eileen Says:
  28. 2 rounds of FGB were great. I am excited to be in Omaha for this years event! Finished at 157. I wanted 160 so freaking bad...but not bad enough.
    Finished day 1 of Paleo today. I love it. I'll be keeping track on my blog of recipies and tricks I find, if anyone cares. 29 to go...
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 5 rounds Cindy
    10 cleans
    5 rounds Cindy
    10 cleans
    5 rounds Cindy

    DNF: used 97# C + 10 + C + 10 + 2 rounds, 5 pullups and 4 pushups. The pullups felt the best they ever have for me; I didn't have to break them up at all. The pushups were the limiting factor in this WOD. The cleans were tough too.

    Great job 5:30!!!

  31. ZachR Says:
  32. 2 rounds of FGB rx'd


    I like the 2 round version much better than the 3 round version!

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