Dead-lift 5-5-5-5-5 reps
We start a new cycle of strength lifts but these will not be consecutive days.
How you will attack this workout will be to look at your previous 1 rep max and take 87.5% of that number. This will be the weight you use for set number four. You will then, on set five, increase your weight. If a successful attempt is made, your 1 rep max has increased.
For example, if you have a 300 pound dead-lift, your warm-up sets and work sets may look like this:
w-up 1 (1 to 3 reps) - 165 pounds (55%)
w-up 2 (1 to 3 reps) - 195 pounds (65%)
set 1 - 217 pounds (72.5%)
set 2 - 232 pounds (77.5%)
set 3 - 247 pounds (82.5%)
set 4 - 262 pounds (87.5%)
set 5 - anything above 262 would be a pr
The higher your 1 rep max the more warm-up sets you need. The lower your 1 rep max, you may not need warm-up sets.
Post set 5 weight and if a pr to comments.
Surgeon General's Warning!
My 1RM is 384, so I'm shooting for a 5RM of 335. Woot!
I loved all the videos lately... Ricky had two of his own plus the interview with his coach at UNO, Joe's push press instructional video, Kyle's Dark Horse workout... Way to represent CFO!
WOD - Stopped at 7 rounds - 18:50ish... Did ring dips unassisted for the first time in a workout for 2 1/2 rounds... then it was purple band. Dips were definitely the hardest thing for me in this WOD - I feel pretty strong in the other two.
When I get back from Aromas, it's on like Donkey Kong. Prepare to be destroyed.
Metcon: 4:42
Bench 5x2= 198-198-198-208-208
CFFB w/318# DL= 14:31
whew!!!...this was a long morning!...could hav went heavier on BS, bench was weak (as usual), and man the wod was tuff!...my posterior chain was so tired from BS that it made the 318# DL feel SUPER heavy....I am sooo ready 2 taper off...8 more days, Cali here we come!!!
Sorry Crossfit should change the URL to "Iknowimf*ckingfit.com"
I HATE that gym. Seriously sweet pictures of yourself and none of your clients.
did thurstaaa's in 5:37 i think was the time... or was it 6:37... I honestly don't recall with all that hip-poppin!!!
super duper nooners! super duper! :)