With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute.... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets as needed each minute to complete your reps.
Scale pull-ups as needed.
Post number of minutes completed to comments.
Tyler A., Steve F., and Eric C. during kettle bell swings and dumbbell lunges.
I don't think I will have time to make it in to class today... but... if all goes better than I expect it to... I might see ya later! Good luck with all the pull ups!!!! :)
It was nice to read everyone's comments yesterday. It's so true--we really have to be grateful for what we have and try not to take it for granted. This is such a tragedy. My heartfelt condolences to Eric's family. I can't begin to imagine what they are going through.
CFO is such a great community. That's one of the things I'm grateful for. Being a part of it has been life-changing for me.
(almost wrote 'lift-changing'...which is also true.)
"Annie" 6:50 (PR)
Annie: 8:37 ....I think there was something wrong with my jumprope. Yeah, I think the problem was I was trying to operate it. : )
I should have used Zach's rope. That thing worked great! It never touched his shoes!
I feel you, Nick. It was so close for 16, but I would probably only get halfway through 17.
Shredded hands, could hardly drive home... all in a day's WOD!
Great job on the pull-ups guys!!!
Allison and Jake... I hope the moving day went well!
Big thank you to Danielle who rounded the up the group to do Annie afterwards. Finished 10min.something. Tues/Wed workouts were great stress relievers! Great job 5:30