For time:
Walking Lunges, 21 steps
Elbow Bridge for 10 seconds
Walking Lunges, 18 steps
Elbow Bridge for 20 seconds
Walking Lunges, 15 steps
Elbow Bridge for 30 seconds
Walking Lunges, 12 steps
Elbow Bridge for 40 seconds
Walking Lunges, 9 steps
Elbow Bridge for 50 seconds
Walking Lunges, 6 steps
Elbow Bridge for 1 minute
Honest lunges with knees touching the ground and full extension of the hip and knee during every step.
Elbow bridges are in a perfect plank position with no sagging of the hips.
Post time to comments.
I start'em young.
You have about one more week to sign up for weightlifting shoes. I plan to order them August 1st. There is a place to sign up for them on the whiteboard. Write down your name, shoe size, and color. The cost is $95 and the shoe's will pay for themselves in the first week. I can promise you that.
This week is athletic tape week. If you read this blog and/or are a part of the gym, you are asked to please bring in a roll of athletic tape for public gym use. I would also like to see how many different color rolls of tape there are out there. Do not be afraid to bring in more than one roll.
Lets see how many rolls of tape we can accumulate.