For time:
5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Dead-lift @ 315/198 pounds
14-13-12-11-10 reps of
The prescribed weights are listed above but each person will choose their weights as a percentage of their 1RM. You may not use prescribed weights unless they fall within said percentage range.
This range is 70% - 75%. For example, if you have a 350 pound 1 rep max, you will take that number and multiply it both by .7 and .75. This is the weight range you can choose your weight from. This means that you will put between 245 and 262.5 on the bar for your workout. This will help you to keep the WOD more intense.
If you want to use more weight for dead-lift, you will have to now prove you can handle more weight by increasing your 1 rep max during strength days.
Post what weight you used for dead-lift and your final time to comments.
Long distance or Sprinting distances? High rep at light weights or heavy? Weak or strong? Choose wisely!
If we set our weights right, should we all finish at the same time?
VOTE: sprinter (this is coming from a marathon runner)
Hope I post a good time!
5 rds:
7 DLs (315)
21 DUs
brutal. my grip was actually the limiting factor (no chalk at the wash U gym). then lower back, then breath. but i pushed pretty hard and it felt good!
Back in Omaha tomorrow morning. See you 6AMers there!
3:3? can't remember if I was under 3:30 or over, but it was around there somewhere. :-)
I went at 5:30pm and labored my way to 3:58 with 275#. WOW. That was rough!
This wod was real fun! yet again it was programed to where you didnt have to take any rest. which sucked haha. some of my burpees were crawling off the ground and then a lazy jump. Great job 4:30!!!
I don't know what you other ladies think but, that marathon guy on the left is HOTTTTTT...
Somebody feed him! Fast!
136 #s DLs with burpees (I love burpees!)
time: 3:50 - BADASS!
great work 4:30!!! we all rocked it!
Nice work 5:30ers!!