Team WOD
In teams of 3, 6 rounds (two rounds a piece) for time of:
300 meter row
Box Jumps for reps, 20 inch box
Shoulder to Overhead Anyhow for reps, Empty bar
One person starts on the row while the other two members are box jumping and getting an empty bar overhead for as many reps as humanly possible. Everyone will rotate upon the completion of the 300 meter row. The workout continues in this fashion until everyone has rowed twice.
This workout is scored two-fold:
1. All six rows will added together and an average time will be calculated.
2. Reps from both box jumps and shoulder to overhead will be added together.
The winning team will have the lowest average row time and the most accumulated reps.
Post team, average row time, and total reps to comments.
The U.S. Food Guide Pyramid
The Food Guide Pyramid: Will the Defects Be Corrected? (pdf) - Ottoboni Ph.D., Alice & Fred
453 points
Instead of averaging the times for the row, we took the calorie and counted them as reps.
It was a nice workout, and I appreciated Joe telling me to stick my head forward on the push presses. Pushing just the bar is good practice for form.
Our Score = 564