Monday 090316

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Six rounds for time of:
15 DB Power Cleans (from the floor)
15 Wall Balls
200 meter run

Post time to comments.

Team lunging

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9 Responses to "Monday 090316"

  1. Donohoe Says:
  2. Great job this morning everyone, another diabolical WOD devised by ricky and joe. I finished in 18.34 my legs are still screaming from saturdays lunge work out. Check out the photo on the games WOD page.
    Donohoe is hobbling out
  3. Donohoe Says:
  4. Great job this morning everyone, another diabolical WOD devised by ricky and joe. I finished in 18.34 my legs are still screaming from saturdays lunge work out. Check out the photo on the games WOD page.
    Donohoe is hobbling out
  5. VD Says:
  6. Finished 5 rounds in the 20 min cut off. A little dissapointed in the lack of non-resting that I did. Oh well. I'll get 'em next time. One problem with running... I kick up so much dust when I run that I sneeze the rest of the day. I'll have to work on that. :)
  7. B3nj4m1n Says:
  8. 17:06 40lb dumbbells this was so hard. I got so hot don't know what is going to happen during the summer. Good job games group saw some heavy benches. "Hey what's up, what do you bench?" Nice job 5:30.
  9. Kelli Says:
  10. DNF -- bout finished 20 seconds after the cutoff. I used 25# DB. I felt like I gave this one my time around I'll finish in time :)
  11. Joe C Says:
  12. 18:37-47 i dont know what she called. Used 40lb dumbells. Very disappointed in myself. I guess consistency, diet and sleep really do affect performance. But tomorrow is another day. After a couple days ill be back in the groove of things from having to miss 2weeks.
    Hey everyone. If your comin in to CFO and puttin in work but you arent eating right, your cheating yourslef. Stop playin around. Stop kidding yourself and for 3 weeks eat right. Its not hard. Its not expensive. And it improves everything in your life. So why not do it. Just sayin.
  13. A Says:
  14. Hey Joe - do farmhouse cinnamon rolls count as eating right? Because if that's the case, I'm all over it. :-)
  15. B3nj4m1n Says:
  16. Leave FarmHouse alone! I don't mess around when it comes to FarmHouse. (mean looking face, don't know how to that but that is what goes there)
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 16:03 20# DB, 16# Ball Slams in place of Wall Balls

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