Team "Cindy"
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
You and a partner try and accumulate as many rounds in twenty minutes as possible. Only one person can be working towards completing one round but you may alternate every round if desired.
Post rounds completed to comments.

Alison is deciding when to start her 500 meter row. Her against the Concept 2.
On response to a guy who had some life problems lately and afraid of sounding like a "poodle": You don't sound like a poodle at all. You sound like a normal human being, just like me, who thankfully has a barbell to keep him sane when things get shatty...and realize that one workout out of thousands DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR OVERALL PROGRESS. Training is a process, not the events of one day.
Keep you heads up! This is supposed to be fun.