Wednesday 090107

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Dead-lift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

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Steve Filips.

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16 Responses to "Wednesday 090107"

  1. paul Says:
  2. the 6am crew looked to be pulling some serious weight. nice job!

    I did 3rds of

    25 cal on the rower (about 320m)
    25 box jumps (22"?)
    25 lunges (25# DBs)
    25 med ball cleans (20#)

    22:08. this was awful, and i was going to do 4 rds, but i was so tired i was slowing down and decided to stop. not proud of it, but whatever. still a good workout.
  3. linds Says:
  4. deadlift 3RM 220#, I was trying to shoot for 250#, but didn't quite get there. Great job morning crew!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 230x3
    I was lifting with Lindsey and also shot a little high with 250.... Next time....
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Maxed out at 153x3. I was pretty happy with that given that I've never tried over 100lbs. I was going to give 158 a try but realized that I had attempted a rounded back 153 and after that my back wasn't going to help me with any more. okay, okay... I'll stop rounding my back. Awsome lifting nooners.

  9. Chad Says:
  10. Good day for me - 286x3.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. got in the gym this morning, 200x3 cant wait to be back at CFO tomorrow.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Got up to 285lbs x 3 on deadlift which I thought was good until I saw Ang and Lindsey's numbers. Obviously I have a long ways to go b4 I get to where I need to be. After I was done with that I did 21,15,9 of box jumps, burpees, and ball slams. Finished in 4:26 and was breathing fire. My chest hasn't burned so badly in a long time.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 197x3 Great job 6a.m.!
  17. Brandon Says:
  18. I think the crew at 5:30 tonight was friggin awesome. I had tons of laughs and a lot of fun during, and after the WOD. I did see a glaring weakness of mine again tonight... heavy deadlifting. Anything over 300lbs, I think it's a mental block I have.

    Deadlift 3RM = 308lbs

  19. Mark Says:
  20. I made it up to 360# x 3 tonight. My form still is pretty horrible when I get to really heavy loads though. I guess I will just have to keep working at it.
  21. Steve Says:
  22. 287x3. Another weak spot to work on.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 229 on deadlifts. Felt pretty good.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 241 on the last 3 deadlifts. Dan M
  27. A Says:
  28. 224# X 3 on Deadlifts. Had a goal of 220, so I was pretty pleased to have achieved beyond. Great job to my partner Danielle, and thanks for the use of the shoes! I think we should always swap between lifts :-)
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Hello, I'm new to cross fit and wish to remain anonimous. I love all the pictures of Alison. i wish I could look like her. It must be so hard and time consuming to be that excellent at something. I would love to see myself looking as good and powerful as her. she is such an inspiration.
  31. Sprockets Says:
  32. Last set:
    265, 265, gack! I was wigglin' around, but it just would not move. Really wanted that last one, but oveall happy as 270 is my Dead-Lift PR.

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