Tuesday 090120

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


10 rounds for time:
10 Double Unders
5 Burpees

Post time to comments.

Amanda Vidlak getting some air. Proud of you girl.

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26 Responses to "Tuesday 090120"

  1. paul Says:
  2. it was awesome working out with the rockstars following the main site!

    we did "Mr. Joshua." 21:23. boy is that a brutal WOD. running outside wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though.

    Looked like a lot of good burpees and DUs going on, too.
  3. BC Says:
  4. I did the CFO WOD, DU's and burpees, 5:48 total. Today was the best I've felt in weeks and I think it showed. Great job breakfast club. And gamers...holy hell!!! Way to push it people, very impressive. Danielle, you looked like an Arab woman with your head wrap on. Is that PC? Whatever, I don't care, it's still funny.
  5. Mel C Says:
  6. I hate burpees.
  7. Chad Says:
  8. I hate burpees too. I can't do double unders either so this should be interesting.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Nice working out with the 6am crew. You guys are awesome!
    Did the CFO WOD. Did well on the double unders for the first few rounds did crappy in the middle and finished strong. 8:19.
  11. paul Says:
  12. BC--I am offended on behalf of the ethnic minority of ninjas. I think your joke further marginalizes ninjas. I mean, OBVIOUSLY, she was a ninja. Why can't we, as a community, recognize the ninjas in our midst?
  13. linds Says:
  14. Did "Mr.Joshua" this morning, wow that was a tough WOD. My time Rx'd 28:27, deadlifts took the longest for me. Great job everyone!
  15. Mark Says:
  16. I am in need of a girl to sub for my volleyball team tonight. We play at 7:30 at Digz tonight. Let me know if you are interested. My cell is 616-7027 and I will be there for class at 5:30 tonight.

  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Did: Mr. Joshua"

    Five rounds for time of:
    Run 400 meters
    30 Glute-ham sit-ups
    250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps

    I did 175 (I think 45 bar, reds, and trainers) on deadlifts and we used ab mats.
    Time: 27:07.

    The deadlifts were a killer for me.

    Yeah Brian, I guess I did look like that, but I was trying to stay wram outside. Function over Fashion :)
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. CFO WOD. 10:43, I think.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. oh yes and I am a ninja!! I thought my secret was safe at CFO, loose lips sink ships.
  23. BC Says:
  24. Sorry Paul and Danielle, didn't mean to offend. But in my defense I didn't realize Danielle was a ninja because as everyone knows you can't SEE a ninja...though now that I think about it she did have a certain Storm Shadow look to her. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle.
  25. Jenni Says:
  26. CFO WOD 13:58... For the record, I hate burpees :)
  27. Joe C Says:
  28. CFO WOD 5:24 im pretty excited about my time tonight. I've never done DU in a WOD before and i got ten in a row on just about all rounds. Great effort tonight by everybody. Im proud to be apart of such a hardworking community. The rest of the week i have to come to the 4:00 open gym so see ya when i see ya =)
  29. ZachR Says:
  30. Main Site workout - Scaled
    19:29, situps with abmat and 142# deadlifts

    Way to kill the CFO workout, Ben, you were flying.
  31. Gdawg Says:
  32. main site WOD- DNF...I should have scaled the deadlifts!! ricky called time when I got back from the run on the 5th round...side aches were bad on running...i gotta find a breathing pattern! and my low back is def on the weak side! running after deadlifts was rough!! GREAT JOB today everyone!! see ya tomorrow!

  33. paul Says:
  34. BC: HA! yes. you're right on both counts (invisibility, and storm shadow).

    if anyone would like to talk more about this, my digits are: 800-big-dork
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. I almost forgot to post...I actually worked out with the 6am crew this morning. It felt good to get it done first thing in the morning. I did it in 7:24...i was 7 twenty something. It took me a few rounds to get into the double unders, but I was able to crank out most rounds doing all 10 in a row! Burpees are always fun..hahaha.
  37. A Says:
  38. Wow, this was great!

    main site WOD: 22:06 Rx'd. Used 177# Deads, and GHD (20 reps). GHD was a BAD idea. I may not walk tomorrow. So I don't know if that counts as Rx'd, but at any rate, it was a killer. I don't think I've ever enjoyed an omelet so much...I take a bite, and write a sentence. Holy baby chickens. Great job by everyone at 5:30! And 6:30, for that matter!
  39. Chad Says:

    Doubling burpees for those of us that can't do double unders is evil Joe.

    I'm going to buy a jump rope.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Nice work guys! Did the mainsite scaled. Not positive on my time?? Ricky called it but I was a tad dizzy...20:? I scaled bigtime...first two rounds flew by and the last three were awful! Majoe hamstring cramp!!! Ouch my hammy....

    5 Rounds
    400 meter run
    20 GHD situps (started at 30)
    155 DL

    Overall a smart move to scale after my last disaster with deadlifts. I just don't feel strong ever doing them.

    I just spooned some peanut butter, it was that or I was gonna eat my hand ;)
  43. Addi Says:
  44. Main site WOD - Rx'd 27:58. Definitely not fun, but definitely not as brutal as I expected. The deadlifts felt good, but not so much in conjunction with the situps - lower back HELL. Also, I NEED to work on pushing myself harder on the runs. Especially downhill. Who runs slower downhill than uphill? This kid. LAME. I have no idea what's going on with that. It must be stopped.

    P.S. Chad, evil is kind of their thing...
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. CFO WOD 8:3? Great job everyone!
  47. Mark Says:
  48. "Mr. Joshua" was an ass tonight, even with subbing abmat situps for GHD ones. Besides the situps, I finished in 24:13, Rx'd with 252 on the deadlifts.

    The run was terrible and my form on the deadlifts the last two rounds was non-existent but hey, that just means I have room for improvement.

    Awesome effort everyone tonight!! Hopefully I can move tomorrow :)
  49. A Says:
  50. Reeeeebbbbaaa!!! Eat some peanut butter for me too! Way to go tonight - you were killing this workout!
  51. Cari Says:
  52. DNF-I'm terrible at double unders and it took forever each rd to do 10 but happy I did them since I really need to work on them. Got through 7 rounds and on the 8th switched to 10 tuckjumps and 10 burpees; got done w/ 7 burpees at time. Great job to everyone tonight!

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