Thursday 090122

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day.

Reba lunging and Libby jumping. Both useful exercises to everyday life. 

Rip on Grip - video [wmv][mov]

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16 Responses to "Thursday 090122"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I am so excited to try these OH walking lunges! I have never done walking lunges with OH anything! Its gonna be awesome - it still amazes me that I have been crossfitting singe Spring 2008 and still have yet to try all the exercises! I love variety :)

    see you all later....

    btw...I know the 6AM class sent Jeff and Lindsay to see why the 5:30 class is just so awesome...we're just that cool :)

    Alison - I am loving peanut butter in my steel cut oats - gotta try it!
  3. John W Says:
  4. Awesome crew this morning. Even though it was a CFO rest day everyone came ready to put in some solid work. Great job everyone!
    Main site WOD: 9:50
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Reba, 5:30 is a good class but so is 6am!!
    Main site: sucky 15:09 I think. My body just didnt want to move this morning. I think my burpee/pushup technique is getting better, just not faster :)

    Really looking forward to rest day tomorrow.

    Have a great day everyone.
  7. linds Says:
  8. Reba, 5:30 class is pretty awesome, but I have to stick with the morning crew!
    Main site WOD: Damn burpees, time was 15:02. Great job everyone!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. What!!! I am gonna spy on the 6AM, you guys are drinking that early bird koolaid...ha!
  11. VD Says:
  12. I came in and made up Tuesday's WOD. 10 tuck jumps/ 10 burpees x10. I completed the 4th burpee of round 9 when joe cut me off. After little breather and a "I'm pissed at myself because I can't make it through this!" break, I finished the rest. I don't know what joe said for time. I did try to use my knees less during the burpees, so I've got that going for me. nice job on the .com WOD tovar!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Today's main site WOD was a nice change of pace as I finally completed one in under 20 mins. I actually finished in 9:36. Yes!
    P.S. Did anyone enlarge the picture of the guy on the main site doing pullups in the snow. I swear it looks like the crazy bastard has fangs lika a vampire. Creepy!
  15. Donohoe Says:
  16. Hello Fitters,,,
    I did the one armed db snatch with 50pds and the kippings motherloving pullups which 20-18-16Yes still suck at those bastard pullups oh yeah on top of that I did not get a time.
    Donohoe out........
  17. Brandon Says:
  18. Main Site WOD as RX'd: 9:36
    Thanks for the help with the timing Zach, I wasn't exactly thinking clearly after this workout. :-) Nice work everyone!

  19. Mark Says:
  20. .com WOD today. I finished in 11:28. This workout was rough, my legs were on fire after 2 rounds.
  21. Cari Says:
  22. Did yesterdays deadlift/squat workout at 97lbs; time was around 16 I think. Nice meeting you Becky and Jen; great job tonight!
  23. hannah eileen Says:
  24. Holy Moly. Did the .com workout for the first time in a week. My lungs and legs are on FIRE!! Finished in 12:36 rx'd. Burpees still irritate my shoulder, but what can you do? Push through, right? :) There was some amazing effort there this evvening. Great job!
  25. Jenni Says:
  26. Did yesterdays CFO wod... That blew... I did the first round at 97 lbs then went down to 77... Cari and Mel rocked that workout tonight! Great job ladies :)
  27. Gdawg Says:
  28. main site wod: Rx'd 14:42...gotta work on jumpin up higher! owie! nice job 5:30!! have a wonderful rest day and enjoy the weekend, i'll be doin my workouts in MO this weekend!! see ya'll monday!!

  29. Kelli Says:
  30. Did good ol Kylie L (7 rounds: 7 burpees, 7 pullups, 7 box jumps). Finished in 11:16. I remember this one back in August and how much I hated it! I checked and back then I finished in thats a pretty decent improvement :) AND I didnt hate it sooo much this time!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Nice work Kelli! :) That is awesome improvement!!!

    Last night finished in 10:27. Made sure my jump was good/decent imo and my arms reached by my ears, but I kept hearing Ricky calling for "heads up"?? My eyes were planted downward so I could focus on keeping going and avoid face didn't really get that one??

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