Friday 090109

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


7 rounds for time
7 clean thrusters (65#/45#)
7 jumping pull-ups

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Robb Riggs

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17 Responses to "Friday 090109"

  1. paul Says:
  2. My variation today was:

    7 rds

    7 front squats (95#)
    7 vertical jumps

  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 9:10 Rx'd, good workout today, nice job 6am!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Did the OH squats last night with Tovar....who used my bar as a warm-up set.....but thats ok because I kicked his time by 20 secs in the 7Rounds workout :) harhar!!

    OH squats felt alright - went to 107X5 and then 112X2 and called it for the night.
  7. John W Says:
  8. Hang Power Cleans: 198x1(PR)
    WOD: 4:56 Rx'd

    The 65# barbell for the wod felt so light (at first) after those heavy cleans. Awesome work 6AM!
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. Hey Tovar....

    HPC= #242
    WOD= 4:26....
  11. Donohoe Says:
  12. Hello everyone
    What is a clean thruster, I would appreciate an explanation. So I can get after it up here.
    Last night I did burpees push ups sit ups and squats tabata style.
    Hope everyone is doing well..
    Donohoe is outta here
  13. Donohoe Says:
  14. Hello everyone
    What is a clean thruster, I would appreciate an explanation. So I can get after it up here.
    Last night I did burpees push ups sit ups and squats tabata style.
    Hope everyone is doing well..
    Donohoe is outta here
  15. John W Says:
  16. Donohoe,
    A clean thruster is just a combination of the two movements. From the ground clean the bar, catch it in a squat, and from the squat stand up into a thruster. The squat is key. Basically it's a squat clean into a thruster. Clear as mud right? Good luck.
  17. linds Says:
  18. Hang Power Clean 110#
    WOD 5:48
  19. Addi Says:
  20. HPC - 110#
    WOD 5:17

    I wasn't entirely satisfied with the HPCs... Thought I should have been able to get blues. I think it wasn't so much the weight as technique - just kept psyching myself out. Tried 120# about 6 times, but no dice.

    The WOD, however, was a pleasant surprise. I still can't breathe, but I was happy with my time. Had to skimp on the squat a bit, as my knee isn't cooperating this week, but the quads still burned.
  21. Addi Says:
  22. Ooh! Ooh! One more thing!

    Short notice, but there's a show at Hot Shops tonight. For the uninitiated, Hot Shops is an art center just north of Cuming downtown - tons of studios and lots of gallery space. It should be a cool show - my mom and dozens of other artists will have pieces, and lots of the studio artists will be in their spaces, so you can wander around and check out their studios.

    The show is a benefit for the Omaha Food Pantry, so bring a nonperishable food item or 10.

    Also, Josh will be in the Loken Forge at the Hot Shops taking a blacksmithing class, so you can probably heckle him on your way through. If that's not motivation enough to go, I don't know what is.

    If you need more info, check out or give me a call!
  23. VD Says:
  24. 14:11 Rx'd. My squats got a little shallow. My lungs were still burning from yesterday, so today's WOD didn't help much. Oh well... I only need one lung.
  25. Jenni Says:
  26. 9:53 but I used the "girl" bar. Definitely a great workout! Nice job 5:30 class!
  27. Mark Says:
  28. Hang Power Clean: 184 lbs
    WOD: 5:28 - this felt good except my legs were burning the last 2 rounds.
  29. Kelli Says:
  30. 9:51 Rx'ed short and sweet ;)
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Hang power clean:114

    6:59 Rx'd. Who knew 45lbs could suck so much out of you.
  33. A Says:
  34. HPC 110#. I absolutely hate these, and have maybe the worst technique in the region. I just don't get them. Not to mention that I got there late, and didn't even complete the last 2 sets of 1. Worked on them over the weekend though. Should be a joyous workout tonight. Blah.

Thanks For Visiting!