Saturday 081220

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Teams of Three 
50 Sprints (length of gym and back is 2)
100 Ring Rows (inverted pushup position)
150 Wall Ball Shots
200 DB Hang Power Cleans (30/20)
250 Overhead Squats w/ PVC

Post time to comments.

Nicole Garden at the bottom of a thruster. Her and Jen Feyerherm have come a long way since thinking that they would be the only non-athletes working out at CrossFit Omaha. Turns out they are quite the athletes. I'm not surprised.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 37 reps

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8 Responses to "Saturday 081220"

  1. BC Says:
  2. Holy hell!
  3. JonD Says:
  4. Holy hell is right B. This workout was Fun! Big ups to Team Ramrod and everyone was puttin in some work today. Well going to rest up and find a sweater and find a recipe. Well see yall sometime tonight.
  5. BC Says:
  6. Because of an odd number of people in the 10:00 class I was the 4th member of the team and had to be "the shadow." That meant I had to do everything but none of my reps counted towards the team number. Nice. Oh well, it was still a good workout and a lot of fun. Great job Alex, Kelli and Karen, way to push it. Like Jon I now need to figure out what I'll be bringing tonight, see everyone there.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. wow, wish i could have been there for this one! i did 5 rounds of 20 squat-jumps and 40 sit-ups. hope everyone has a great time at the Christmas party! i REALLY wish i could be there for that! take lots of pictures!
  9. Kelli Says:
  10. Yeah B--- i think you should have just been a "real" member instead of a "ghost". We coulda kicked that workout ;) I liked the workout...but thank god that Alex was keeping track of our numbers...i am soooooo bad at adding under pressure. see y'all tonight...:)
  11. hannah eileen Says:
  12. This workout was so much fun. Great job to Steve F and Sea-bass. You guys are a great team. Couldn't have pushed through without you guys. Great effort this morning, crew!
    Can't wait for the party tonight! It will be a blast.
  13. hannah eileen Says:
  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Go warrior!! Nicole & Jen rock!! Hope u all r havn fun @ the party 2nite.

    Oh yeah I did on the road susan in under 10 I had 2 little people cheering me on & counting rounds. Good times.

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