Tuesday 080819

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
1000 meter row
50 Thrusters, 45 pounds
30 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.


Lawsuit alleges CrossFit workout damaging, Bryan Mitchell - Navy Times

Read and understand. The article has a point. A point that is well considered by Joe and I on a daily basis. We take great care in proving that CrossFit is not dangerous when implemented correctly. It must also be the responsibility of every one of our veteran athletes to watch and help correct the form of those around them. An extra set of eyes if you will. CrossFit Omaha is a professional gym that worries deeply about the health of each of it's athletes. At the same time, each athlete must take their health into their own hands, not by fearing heavy loads or high repetitions but rather by understanding how to protect the body by fully understanding every movement utilized and how to scale properly. Injuries should rarely happen in CrossFit, if movements are performed correctly and workouts are scaled properly. To stay safe, you must learn how to scale your own workouts by understanding what you are capable of both in load and repetitions, minus your ego. Remember, it's a race to find the best form followed by the best time, not the best time despite what form looks like.

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24 Responses to "Tuesday 080819"

  1. BC Says:
  2. There is definitely a very fine line between pushing yourself to new limits and going beyond what you, as an individual, can safely do. And you hit the nail right on the head, Ricky, as I would guess a large percentage of these types of injuries can be directly attributed to ego. Take Monday's workout: I wanted to go heavier on my DL's, mostly because of ego, but Joe was right there to remind me that I have never done this high a volume of DL's before and that proper (and safe) form and technique were more important. And he was right. At the end of the workout I definitely felt like I had had worked out at a very high intensity, yet I was still able to stand upright because I maintained proper form and didn't turn myself into Quasimodo. As I read this article I found myself feeling very grateful to have coaches who not only want to push us and encourage us but also are genuinely concerned for our safety. My ego may cause me to bitch about a workout being scaled, but I know it's for my own good. Holy hell it's late, damn playstation.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Interesting article. My first thought was that the plaintiff probably wasn't blessed with trainers like ours.

    I think it is telling that neither Crossfit nor Greg Glassman are official targets of the lawsuit. And in a way, it would be funny to blame Crossfit for an injury given what it is, namely, not specializing. Crossfit isn't one sport or activity, but the pursuit of all of them in random combinations at a high level of intensity. Weightlifting, running, gymnastics, rowing, KBs, ... the list goes on.

    Any time you make a serious commitment to achieving excellence in a physical activity, there is some risk of injury. There is a very good chance you will find out your weaknesses. That's the point at which you have to be smart--and patient--about how to overcome them.

    An experience athlete and trainer will know the difference between a psychological barrier and a physical one. Sometimes, you could've finished faster because you just didn't push hard enough that day. But even when you do push hard enough, there's a limit imposed by how strong, flexible, coordinated--etc.--you are at that time. So you do what you can and know that next time, you'll be better at the activity in question.

    I think that is one of the best things about CF Omaha. Ricky and Joe are so good at knowing what we're ready for and what we aren't. But when you aren't ready for something, that doesn't mean you don't come in that day. It means you scale the workout in a safe way. But as we all know, 'safe' doesn't mean 'easy'. You still get a great workout, and get that much closer to the unscaled movements.

    I think that sets our gym apart from so many others. What do you do at a big box gym if you can't do some movement? A lot of times, nothing. Or maybe, if you're lucky, there's a machine that will get you a little closer. But take it from me, it takes a looooong time to get pullups if your only stepping stone is lat pulldowns. Compare crossfit: jumping pullups, pullups with a band, kipping pullups... And then with a little patience and a lot of perseverence: strict pullups and weighted pullups.

    Okay, sorry for the monster post. I think a lot about this stuff.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. enough with the embarrassing, drunken pictures!! how do you even get these, ricky!?!

    driving to omaha now, be there at noon!
  7. Jen Says:
  8. WOD = 14:20
    I was on a good pace on the rowers, and to my own suprise got throught the thruster pretty easy (26-10-14), but really struggled with the chest to bar pullups. Ever since we switched the standard, I haven't done so well. And to think, a few months ago, I considered pull-ups a strength.
  9. ZachR Says:
  10. 10:01 with Chest to Bar Pullups

    Had to break up the pullups into sets of 5 to keep my hands from ripping. Otherwise, very good workout.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. WOD 12:40.
    I think rowing is much easier, for me that is, when I close my eyes count my strokes to 100 then see how far I have gone :) I broke the thrusters up into 10's and pull-up into 5's the last 4 sucked.

    Good to see everyone at 6 am!! I forgot that it is not so bad to get up that early!
  13. Matt Says:
  14. Hi Omaha. First I had heard of this lawsuit.

    "The lawsuit is part of an emerging body of evidence that CrossFit may be damaging to participants’ health,"

    Is there somewhere to read about this I wonder?

    Matt from Iowa
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. “Football players practice a lot more than they play for a reason,” Cook said. “You are not supposed to test drive the system as much as you tune it up." --

    Exactly! Its all about taking the time to learn the proper form, learn how to scale, and then push yourself - obviously if your about ready to blackout you need to stop what your doing!

    EGO and patience is a big one for me, I am used to pushing myself hard in sports or anything and even when I started doing yoga years ago - I pushed waaaaaay past my comfort zone thinking my flexibility would increase faster
    :( Not the case!! I guess listening is a virtue too ;)

    Last night I did smartly scale my workout, and I still got a GREAT workout. I just need to be patient, but that has always been a problem for me with anything! ha!

    We are lucky to have good trainers with a great knowledge base helping us become better athletes!

    BTW I seriously need to give props to Carrie last night :) Her attitude and the way she pushed herself was awesome!
  17. kahrs Says:
  18. So I am not sure where I finished, thought Joe said 11:10 but I finished just before Jeff so either 13:10 or 14:10 not really sure. I did 60 jumping pull ups to sub for the gimp shoulder. I need to make mornings work for me I feel I do better in the morning.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 10:27 Have I mentioned that I hate rowing?? But I only got a 1 little tear on my hand- yay!
    Great job Matt! You smoked that row!
  21. BC Says:
  22. 12:15, great workout! Those thrusters sneak up on you in a hurry. Danielle, I close my eyes when I row too, I feel like I can row faster and steadier when I'm not staring at the meter counter the whole time. Great job nooners!

    Taking tomorrow off to get ready for Cindy.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 10:44, the last 10-15 of my pull-ups were not pretty. great job nooners!! every one of you is so motivating!

    and as for the article, i think most people think that they can get away without claiming personal responsibility for their actions. i think when it comes down to it, what happens to you is only yours to deal with, so you'd better be careful with what situations you put yourself in. if someone's body is not ready for the intensity, weight, or activity, then they should be smart enough not to do it. too bad the courts system doesn't think that way:(

    yes, the trainers should be able to identify red flags, but they don't always know everything that a person has been through or what exactly their body is feeling. trainers need the feedback from the athlete, and it's the athlete's responsibility to seek answers if they have any concerns.
  25. JonD Says:
  26. I think this article just proves how well Joe and Ricky scale workouts to the individual. Even though there is a prescribed WOD there is always scaling involved in my workouts and I am fine with that. I think the Crossfit Omaha Community also needs to be recognized because they make others feel comfortable with their weight, reps, round, etc, etc, because NO ONE JUDGES anyone at the gym. I think that is a huge part in why I love coming everyday, the support and sincerity of everyone sets our community apart as well. I want to do my best but just like everything else in life it is a progression and you can't get there in one day.
    I think with this article it shows to me the trainer and client were not familiar with each other. When you hear things like this it just proves you need to know the individual well enough to keep them safe and at the same time give them a great workout.
    I know from being right along side them during the classes and one-on-ones, that they scale to everyone’s ability. This is the most important part of their job and the biggest thing they preach to us. I appreciate the openness of Ricky and Joe and how willing they are to get to know you and at the same time genuinely concerned about your well being.
    O ya WOD I did it in 10:59 I burned myself with thrusters and made up some time with the pull-ups. Rowing needs to be a little better but what doesn't right. Well great job 6am crew and nooners did great as well. Have fun the rest of the day and I figured if everyone else was doing a big blog I should try? See everyone tomorrow.
  27. paul Says:
  28. So we're all agreed, then: Ricky and Joe are the best.

    I scaled to

    1000m row
    50 front squats (20# med ball)
    60 jumping pullups


    I might regret even those jumping pullups tomorrow, but so far so good.
  29. Cari Says:
  30. Thanks Reba! I probably wouldn't have even kept running if it wasn't for you and everyone cheering me along; thanks!

    Scaled the WOD to 30 thrusters; 30 jumping pullups; 10:01. Great job to everyone at 5:30!

    Also, I agree w/ everyone that Ricky and Joe are the best ... I don't think I've actually enjoyed working out for so many weeks in a row ever!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 11:29 worked on my rower form, it was better ( i think ) and I didn't get as tired, but I also don't think I went as fast....I did my pullups in reps of 5 and chalked up super heavy in between - so no rips :))

    nice work tonight - )
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. OK i just registered for the FIght Gone Bad and somehow registered on my own and not part of the Omaha CrossFit Team?? Anyone know how to fix that? Let me know! Thanks!
  35. Greg MO Says:
  36. 9:01 chest to bar
  37. Kelli Says:
  38. 14:11...I'm starting to feel better about my breathing, not so afraid anymore of loosing my breath! I also agree with everyone - Ricky and Joe are awesome coaches -- never have I felt unsafe, even when learning the complex olympic lifts...and really, its all about responsibility for your own well-being and knowing your limitations while still pushing yourself!
  39. A Says:
  40. yee-haw. this was a good one! 9:00 - something like that. Finished right with Greg, which is amazing, because Greg's an animal! Did all chest-to-bar but like 6 pullups. And they were really crappy. FYI - I really, really like the new pullup bar. It's a better size. Oh, and Tite-grip sucks. My sweat is invincible, apparently.
    Nice job 5:30!
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. 10:31 Rx'd although I only did chest to bar pull ups for the first 5. Rowing is still a bit of a struggle for me and I think I used too much energy which slowed my thrusters down way down. Great work 5:30!!
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. 10:11 My back is shot from yesterday..... I still hate Enterprise

  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. Way to go 6:30. Finished in 16:48. Not bad, but not great either. I have to say that i do like rowing! The thrusters wern't bad, but i wacked my nose (must have forgotten to move my head out of the way)!
  47. zj Says:
  48. 10:24

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