Saturday 080719

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


21 KB Swings (1.5/1)
5-10-5 Agility run
18 KB Swings
5-10-5 Agility run
15 KB Swings
5-10-5 Agility run
12 KB Swings
5-10-5 Agility run
9 KB Swings
5-10-5 Agility run
6 KB Swings
5-10-5 Agility run

The 5-10-5 agility run is setup by placing two cones in a straight line ten yards apart with a third cone right down the middle (5 yards from the two outside cones). Start by placing a hand on the middle cone and then sprinting in either direction 5 yards to one of the outside cones, changing direction and sprinting 10 yards to the opposite outside cone, and finally changing direction for a third time and sprinting the final 5 yards back to the middle cone. Each of the outside cones must be touched.

Post time to comments.

Massive kip.

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5 Responses to "Saturday 080719"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Didn't quite have it together to get in at 10 (sad, i know).

    at home I did:

    10 rds:

    10 front squats (45#)
    25 single unders

  3. BC Says:
  4. The rainy weather in MN has us temporarily docked which gave me time to workout - 6:18, with some improvising. No KB's around so I used a 4 gallon bucket of adhesive (my brother-in-law is a carpenter) which was really, really awkward (very bulky, a handle that moved, not the best but better than nothing). That was the first time I had done the agility run, I liked it. OK, pray for sun because the boat looks sad just sitting there, plus my kids and their cousins are driving us all crazy. Ahh, family memories.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Hey that's me I am glad I am massive at something :) Today's time was 4:41 after we did some sweet runs I don't really know the times. Nice work 9ers!!
  7. JimmyG Says:
  8. 4:39 for me. I kept slipping during the shuttle runs. fast and fun workout today!
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. 3:58 w/2 pood kb swings...

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