Wimpy "Cindy"
As many rounds in 10 minutes of:
3 Pullups
6 Pushups
9 Air Squats
Rx'd is chest to bar on the pullups, chest and thigh touching the ground on pushups, and the crease of the hip noticeably below the top of the knee for every squat. You have to complete the range of motion for all exercises at the other end as well. Can anyone reach 15 rounds? How about 20?
Post rounds completed to comments.
Tyson showing crazy hip mobility during the overhead squat. Great work Tyson and it has been really cool having you as part of the gang.
I was reading CrossFit OKC's blog the other day and I came across a posting of an email that was sent to Jason (CrossFit OKC's owner) by Maury Birdwell concerning his success rock climbing and how CrossFit has helped him. Jason also posted a link to Maury's personal weblog. I paid a visit to his blog and found a cool posting explaining CrossFit in his own words. Check it out. Post thoughts to comments.
A Dose of Real Fitness, Maury Birdwell - furrymurry.com
A Dose of Real Fitness, Maury Birdwell - furrymurry.com
It was great seeing a few new faces and a few old ones I haven't worked out with in a while. Great work everyone!!
It was good to see Mark again and everyone else was killing it today!
See you all tomorrow! 9am or bust!
5 rds:
5 275# DLs
10 2 pood KB swings (just to shoulder height)
Painful, but awesome.
14 rounds + 5 push-ups
(Sub Horizontal Pull-ups for kipping due to protect shoulder)
It is getting better, but needs a couple more days to go back at it as Rx'd.
jimmy, 6 am does get easier once you are able to get your ass out of bed! (i say that because i still can't)
3 65lb thrusters
6 pushups
9 squats
i forget how badly I hate thrusters and how quickly i burn out with them...