Trevor A. Win'E Memorial Day Challenge

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

I don't usually post something new unless it's an update but Joe and I want to do this fundraiser that they have every year. It is called the Trevor A. Win'E Memorial Day Challenge and it is an event to help raise cooling vests for those soldiers that man the front lines both in Afghanistan and Iraq. The man pictured above is Trevor, he was killed in the line of duty and because of his and many others valiant service we have freedom.

This event is a team competition consisting of four members where only two members can be exercising at a time. The workout is as follows:
300 Pullups
400 Pushups
500 Situps
600 Air Squats
The reps are accumulative so all four team members are working to accomplish the one number for each exercise. The entry fee per each team of four is $200, again, that money going to purchase (1) one cooling vest for a soldier on the front lines.

This event is taking place at affiliates all over the country with crazy money being raised. It will take place here in our gym on Memorial Day morning. Whether we get 5 teams or no teams, Joe and I will be looking for two more members as we will be doing it. It will be a lot of fun and it is going to a great cause. We may even be able to get the news to come out, who knows.

If you are interested please let me know as early as possible as the deadline for registration is May 23rd. For more information I have posted some links in the right column about the event including demo's from last year's event. I will also have some fliers printed out for you guys in the weight room.

I hope some of you are interested. I know that this is on short notice but there is still plenty of time left. See you guys this afternoon.

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6 Responses to "Trevor A. Win'E Memorial Day Challenge"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. i think that this is great. i would do it but i will be in springfield. i'll talk to the cross-fit down there to see if they are planning on this, and will participate if they are. i hope that you guys get a great turn out, i'm sure that you will with the awesome people we have on our team!
  3. A Says:
  4. I think that's great! I would be interested in joining.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. This sounds fantastic!! I will not be able to join in the fun, I will be in Des Moines for a bachelorette party on Sunday. I would love to contribute to the great cause!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I would be interested in joining also.... I know I'm not great at pull-ups and push-ups, but I can rock out on squats and sit-ups!
  9. Steve Says:
  10. uhhhh..... can i just skip the workout and donate the fee?
  11. A Says:
  12. hahahaha. Steve. I am with Angela...squats and situps, you've got it! Unfortunately, if I have to do pullups and pushups, we may need to make it an entire weekend event. :-)
    Great job tonight guys! That was an awesome workout! Although...I am S-C-A-R-E-D for tomorrow.

    The company that makes the new jumpropes must have sprinkled them with magical dust because those were the best DUs I have EVER done! 30 in a row without stopping!

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