Check These Out

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Update: Check out the main site under the affiliate blog tab. CrossFit Omaha getting some love. You guys rock and are very deserving of this main site honor. Be sure to post your comments to the main site to let the world know who you are in the picture.

You're seeing them here first. Our new CrossFit Omaha t-shirts. These ones will be available for sale as well as given to the winners of the Midwest CrossFit Challenge (hopefully they arrive in time). What I am doing now is asking you guys which colors are your favorites, deep red with silver and black, navy blue with mustard and black, grey with silver and black, mustard with silver and black, and/or black with mustard and black. Not pictured is black with silver and black. We are thinking of ordering two colors so in the comments I want you to let me know what are your two favorite ones. Also take this as an official pre-order and if you want one let me know your size. The ladies shirts will be fitted while the guys will be a lightweight shirt that hopefully will be an athletic fit. I have a feeling these will be going fast so get your order in now by placing your size in the comments section. I have yet to find out how much the shirts will cost us but you can be sure that we will keep the price close to our cost as we want to get as many out there as possible. Once this first batch is gone the price will go up. Hope you like them.

Changes to Midwest CrossFit Challenge

Joe, Candice, and I sat down and talked and felt because how much feedback we are getting that the dates for the event are changing. We want to be able to invite people from out of town so we are now going to hold the challenge over 2 days as opposed to 4 days. The new dates are April 5th and April 26th. This will give those that are coming in from out of town the opportunity to participate without having to come into town more than twice. I have updated the event website concerning the appropriate changes. It will also give us an opportunity to make the post bar-b-que's bigger and better as now we only have to worry about two days. We have commitments from Hy-Vee, the Juice Stop, Whole Foods, and McGuire Dental Group for prize donations and/or food donations for this cool event plus we are working on other businesses as well to help out in some way or fashion. I have taken down the link to the flier as I have to make corrections to it but it will be back up sometime tonight. Hopefully this makes it easier on some of you that may be coming from out of town/state or have prior plans before hearing about it. Contact us through email and/or phone if further information is needed.

Fight Gone Bad
There was some sick fitness being developed last night. Both 5:30 and 6:30 groups were rockin and a rollin and I have to commend everyone for their hard work. If you haven't already, post your score to the comments section of last nights WOD post as we will be doing this one again. It may be in two weeks, 2 months, or 5 months but you can be sure you will see it again.

There will only be one workout, but you as a group get to choose which one it is.

2 rounds for time
800 meter run
3 minutes rest


100 Pullups for time
Workout Demo (Greg A.)...[wmv][mov]

Pullups can be done strict, kipping, or jumping (150 reps), while the run must be executed at the highest intensity you can withstand.

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25 Responses to "Check These Out"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. Red/Silver/Black, Grey/Silver/Black, Large, will take atleast one of each maybe more depending on price.
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. Check out the Affiliate Page of the Mainsite, it is pretty cool.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Mustard/Silver/Black and Grey/Silver/Black
    Large - 1 count
  7. Nick Says:
  8. big fan of the deep red and the black with mustard/blasck. sad to say I will be out of town on April 5th but I would like to take part in Midwest Challenge in any way possible.
  9. A Says:
  10. I really liked the red shirt and the grey shirt. I would like one of each, in fact, in ladies small. Well, actually whatever color you all choose is great, as long as I get 2 shirts! :-)
  11. Erin K. Says:
  12. I like the Deep Red and Mustard. I would like a (M).

    198-Fight Gone Bad Score
  13. A Says:
  14. Way to go Ricky and Joe! That's awesome on the main site!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I like the red with silver and black as well as the grey with silver and black. I will need a medium and might take 2 as well.

    Hate to miss tonight, but I am off for a whole day of NCAA hoops at the Qwest. Have a good one guys.
  17. paul Says:
  18. Awesome that we're getting some recognition on the main site!

    My favorite color for the shirt is gray, followed by the blue and red in a dead heat in 2nd place.

    100 pullups for time looks awesome. unfortunately, i'm taking another rest day as i feel crappy.
  19. Steve Says:
  20. first choice gray, second choice mustard yellow. and i vote for the 800m runs.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Red/Silver/Black and Grey/Silver/Black


    Glad to see we finally made the mainsite.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Way to represent Omaha guys!
    I vote for the red shirt then grey and then black. And I will take one red and one grey in a medium probably. I would opt for the runs tonight seeing as it would take me around 10 days to get 100 pullups.
  25. Courtney Says:
  26. I like either the Red or the Mustard and would like a Medium in each, or which ever color you guys pick.

    Congrats on making tha mainsite!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. These new shirts are awesome!! I really like all of them!

    I think i'll vote for the 800 run today as well. I have to agree w/Angela, it would probably take me 10 days as well, especially after doing Fran the other day!!

    See everyone tonight!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. LOVE THEM!!! I think the red is really sharp and want one (size small if they are mens sizes, otherwise a med for a women cut).

    I also think the black will be wicked, so put me down for one of those too!!

    Nice work.

    I will be at the games tonight so no Crossfit tonight!! Have a great time, see ya Friday!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Props to the 5:30 class who chose to do the pullups. When the 6:30 class saw the grueling work out we opted for the run. It was a great choice!

    Time: Round 1 3:35
    Round 2 3:33

    Great job everyone! Hope you all have a Happy Easter!!
  33. Erin K. Says:
  34. Round One: 3:46
    Round Two: 4:02
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Round one 3:54
    Round two 3:46
    I like the blue-red-grey. I will take 2 large in whatever you order.
  37. kahrs Says:
  38. 100 Pull Ups + 2 Bloody Hands
    14:??, I am actually glad I did pullups as we haven't done them much lately, can already feel it.
  39. Courtney Says:
  40. Round one - 3:39
    Round two - 4:49

    I managed to keep up with Crystal pretty well on the first round, but the second round killed me.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. I like them all except the blue shirt and the yellow shirt. I'd like one of each color you guys decide to have made (Large)

    I got my ass handed to me today by 100 pull ups. I finished in just over 18 minutes. My hands hurt. On a positive note though, I got 10 pullups in a row for the first time today, so I'm still really happy with the workout. I'm dreading tomorrow though because I know I have to do FGB. See you all tomorrow!!
  43. Melissa B Says:
  44. 100 pullups and some bloody hands in 9:??..not too bad

    I like the red shirt or the gray...i'm thinking women's L but I'll check to see what the one i have now is
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. Where's the Pink shirt?

    100 pullups for time = 4:53
  47. Dave Paladino Says:
  48. Great Shirts
    black with mustard and black for me in a medium
  49. Addi Says:
  50. Love the red, the gray, and the black. Women's large.

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