Almost There!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Kylie crossed the finish line first for the women during Saturday's 9am WOD. Awesome work.

Weighted Pushups
Turkish Getups (35# db/25# db)

Here are some videos demonstrating TGU's:
Jeff Martone - TGU Video
Part 2
Part 3

Scale the getups as needed. The load for pushups should be fairly heavy yet still manageable. If you have trouble with depth and/or strength then bodyweight only should suffice.

Post time and weight used on pushups to comments.

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8 Responses to "Almost There!"

  1. paul Says:
  2. This is going to be hard to miss, but I think another day off is in order for me.
  3. A Says:
  4. But Paul, What about the ninjas?
  5. paul Says:
  6. You got me. I really will be there--I'll just be invisible.
  7. A Says:
  8. that's totally awesome
  9. Melissa B Says:
  10. This was a tough one for me...I think I still have lactic acid from muscle-ups or something last week...I used a 22.5 db.
  11. A Says:
  12. I enjoyed this one. Used 22.5 for TGUs. Right shoulder does not like that overhead movement. No weight for pushups. Shoulders are shot. I love the TGUs, though, and hope to see them again soon! Great job to everyone today...
  13. Addi Says:
  14. I've been wanting to try TGUs... We had a staff meeting yesterday that ran late and I STILL am battling this damn cold. (I think ninja shuffleboard set me back a couple days - it got pretty intense) Between the rough day and the germs, I thought it best to stay home. Hopefully I'll get in tonight, though - finally starting to feel normal.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Great job everyone! This one was tough, but fun. I enjoyed these. The pushups were hard, but something i needed to work on and are slowly improving. See ya all tonight!

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