LSD Events

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Below is an article from ESPN on the recent death of 28 year old Ryan Shay during the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials. Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. There are many thoughts on the severity of LSD (long slow distance) events and their effect on the human body. Arthur Devany has long discussed the negativity of these types of athletic events and more specifically the training that goes into getting ready for these events. I for one am not an opponent to running a marathon or a triathalon should you want to compete in one. What I do oppose are those individuals who choose to compete in these events consistently and especially day in and day out long slow distance training. There is definitely a better way to train for these events than logging many miles in the pool, on a bike, or on the pavement. CrossFit has shown this time and time again. Read these articles and visit Art Devany's blog on LSD events and post thoughts to comments.

Elite Runner dies during U.S. Olympic Trials,
Ford: Tragedy overshadows U.S. marathon trials,


REST DAY!!!!! Be ready for Monday!

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2 Responses to "LSD Events"

  1. SharkBait Says:
  2. Grace: 7:47
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Not a well thought out post.

    Point #1 - Ryan Shay died because he had an enlarged heart. Using the same logic of what you wrote, one must also assume that basketball was the reason Hank Gathers died at a young age. Shame on you for making untrue generalizations.

    Point #2 - Ryan Shay and most other marathon runners don't just do long slow distance running. Get a ckue. Most of us run hard three days a week, run easy three days a week, and do some sort of cross training / weight lifting three days a weeks.

    As a competitive marathon runner, some friends and I were looking at Crossfit to supplement our running. It looked like it would be fun to do together. I think we'll stick with mountain biking, Concept2 rowing, and lifting weights together at Lifetime Fitness.

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