Journal Articles

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
The CrossFit journal is a great resource for us to learn in depth about topics relevant to all things CrossFit. Subscribing to the journal is something I definitely recommend. In the next few days, including today, I will be adding misc. journal articles to the website. I will put them under suggested reading. Enjoy and have a great Sunday and I will see you guys on Monday.


For time:
42 Situps
6 Round Tabata Squats (20 sec on/10 sec off x 6 instead of 8)
30 Situps
6 Round Tabata Walking Lunges
18 Situps

Note lowest round of both squats and walking lunges as well as total time. Post to comments.

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2 Responses to "Journal Articles"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 8:08. Lowest sets: squats 14, lunges 12.
  3. zj Says:
  4. 8:27. Lowest sets: squats 16, lunges 12. Glad its a rest day.

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