The Olympic Lifts!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
We love to go over technique during class but there is only soo much we can do when different athletes are at different levels. Some are fairly good at the lifts and some haven't learned how to clean from the ground. Remember, Joe and I are always available for personal training for lifts such as these or any other areas you want personal attention on. Let us know and we can set something up.

As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes:

x6 Clean and Jerk (135#/95#)
x9 Box Jumps
x12 Knees to Elbow
x15 Wall Balls (20#/17#)

The clean and jerk is to be taken from the ground to an overhead locked out position. The jerk can be a push jerk or a split jerk. For box jumps use the highest box you can safely jump on for the reps required.

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