Snatch + Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
After a thorough a warm up, snatch (squat) the heaviest weight you can but you must also overhead squat it. This must be two separate movements performed in succession without the bar coming down.
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Oh Megan!
Part of me wanted to make a run at MeganMac's 126, but my OHS are slowly on the mend, and I feared it might get sketchy. 126 would have been a squat snatch pr. 119 is still very close to my 1rm squat snatch, and it felt pretty great, so it's going in the W column.
Next time, though, I'm coming for you, Megan!! :)
I worked up to 92# and did this for my last two reps. Heaviest OHS and snatch I've done in a long time. Thanks Gina, for once again helping me push the limits.
Good work 6 am!