Five rounds for time of:
Bear Crawl, 100 feet
Standing Broad Jump, 100 feet
Do three (3) burpees after every five broad-jumps. If you've got a twenty (20#) vest or body armor, wear it.
Post time to comments/Logwod.
Please welcome the latest edition to the CFO family, Mr. Blayton Douglas Anderson. Blayton was born on June, 8th at 4:13am, weighing in at 6lbs. 5oz., and 19.5 inches in length. He is the son of Doug and Mackenzie Anderson. Doug routinely hits up the 5am class.
Congratulations Anderson family. He is beautiful.
8:40 no vest. This will fry your quads!
Yesterday: 143# PC, this is a 5# PR for me.
Great work! Congrats to the Anderson's!
ps. I miss you all. can't wait to get back!