Overhead Squats 25-25-25-25 reps
Increase weight each set and complete on a 4 minute clock. These are to come from the floor so no racks.
If you are newer or struggle with overhead squats, take this time to slow things down a bit and work the movement. Start with pvc pipe and go up from there. Choose a smaller rep scheme as well such as 4x15 reps or something similar.
Finish the hour with dedicated mobility work. Coaches will help with directing.
Post overhead squat weights to comments/Logwod.
A great pic of Scott.
Great working with Megan Mac as always! Good work 5 a.m.!!
33,38,43,48. These felt pretty good. I about lost it on rep 23 on last round. Nice teaming up with Jenn as always. Great job.
Great job to all 6:30!