For max load and fastest time:
5 Low Bar Back Squats
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 meters
Rest 2 minutes
5 Low Bar Back Squats
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 meters
Rest 2 minutes
5 Low Bar Back Squats
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 meters
You are responsible for your own rest times as how long it takes a person to squat 5 reps will vary.
This is squatting and running in the same workout yet, an attempt to try and improve both, individually. You will treat this as a 3x5 squat workout and a 400 repeat workout. This means, after a thorough warm up, complete your first set of 5 at very heavy weight yet continue to go up in weight each set, thereafter. For the runs, don't focus on all out sprints but maintaining a high output that you can match for all three (example, 1:20, 1:23, 1:24 instead of 1:06, 1:21, 1:40).
Please do not take the runs for granted in lieu of a heavier back squat or squat lighter loads in lieu of faster runs. Try and do both with high effort.
Score is heaviest back squat and slowest of three runs (you want the fastest slowest time.)
Post scores to comments/Logwod.
Sun's out....
218# and 1:35
233# and 1:31
Good work 5 a.m.!!
Joined a group of cool people at CrossFit Mendota (Minneapolis area) this morning. They were all aware of CFOs showing at the games!
I did my best to represent....more in spirit than in performance! ;-)
4 Rounds of
10 Left KB Snatches (1pd)
20 Burpees
10 Right KB Snatches
40 DUs (Subbed 120 SIngles last 3 rnds)
Burpees slowed me down....wasn't feeling it today. One of those days.....better tomorrow.
Squats: 264, 274, 284
400s: 1:28, 1:29, 1:28
Pretty happy with this. Some degradation of form in the last set of squats, but I figure that's to be expected.
That's an 11# PR from my the last time we worked sets of 5 squats.
? (forgot to check the clock on my way out the door, but it felt faster for whatever that's worth)
I was super conservative on the first run because I wasn't sure how it would feel. Runs felt good today, steady, not speedy.
Nice to see Paul and Paula at 9am! My schedule has been so crazy lately that I've missed seeing some CFP peeps!! I have to say, 9 am was working hard. Great job to all.
Nice Paul!!
130 and 2:01
140 and 2:07
I kind of surprised myself on the runs...didn't think I'd be able to keep a steady time for all three. Running is still terrible for me, but today gave me hope that it's at least getting better! :)
Great working with Megan today! Way to get after it girl!
Great job 5:30 :)
230 and 1:27
250 and 1:23