Saturday 120728

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Open Gym - All Classes

Pat Mohs, holding his own at the Cornhusker State Games. Great performances so far Pat. Good luck the rest of the weekend.

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7 Responses to "Saturday 120728"

  1. Tovar Says:
  2. Moooooohs Def!!!! Representing for Joe and Angie. Keep up the good work Pat and the rest of my CFO people!
  3. paul Says:
  4. Played around with cleans and GH situps today. I'm feeling the effects of a brutal week.
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Good luck to all the CFO competitors today in Lincoln!! Was fun to watch/hang out with you yesterday.

    Did a sprint/air squat WOD this morning at Wehrspan:

    8 rounds:

    320 meter sprint plus 20 airsquats with 2 minutes rest between each round

    1:42, 1:42, 1:34, 1:36, 1:35, 1:36, 1:37, 1:37

    Total time: 26:57

    I walked 160 meters during the rest period and then kept moving with remaining time just pacing back and forth. No lactic acid buildup :)
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. Addi: 195# hang power clean
    Megan Mac: 200# hang power clean
    Megan Guthmiller: 185# hang power clean

    Sorry if I steal your thunder, but this is freaking AMAZING!!!!
  9. Shelley Says:
  10. Other PR's for those who don't do Facebook or Twitter:

    Kaitlin: 155
    Regina: 165
    Lauren Fakuda: 135
    Tara D: 155
    Abby: 135
    Karen: 135
    Crystal: 145
    Lauren Williams: 155
    Kristina: 165

    Congrats to all of you ladies!!!
  11. Shelley Says:
  12. Ellen: 155

    CFO blog is going to blow up :)
  13. paul Says:
  14. Wow! Awesome work, people!!

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