Ricky Frausto
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Bulgarian Split Squats (front squat position)
After warm-up sets of x3 each leg (unweighted), x5 each leg (empty barbell), and 2x5 each leg, perform 4 sets of 6 each leg, using the same weight for all sets.
If you increase weight during any of the work sets, that new weight becomes your first set and you must complete 3 additional sets at that weight. Same rules apply, hip crease must pass below the top of the knee for the rep to count. (Four minute clock)
Three rounds for quality and development:
Pull ups (strict, kipping, chest 2 bar), 90 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Pistols (weighted, unweighted, negatives), 90 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Ring Push ups (feet elev., on knees, rings elev.), 90 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Row (diff. damper settings, diff. tech.), 90 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Shooter's choice with version you choose of the above movements (during any round). Keep quality high and range of motion complete. Learn something today.
Post split squat weight and what you learned today to comments/
Bulgarian Split Squats (front squat position is the second lift shown)
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Four rounds for time of:
42 Double Unders
30 Toes 2 Bar
18 Shoulder to Overhead, 132#/99#
Scale reps and or load as needed.
Post time to comments/
Our new Goal/PR board. Use it. If you want to achieve a goal in the gym, there's no accountability like writing it up for all to see.
If you get a muscle-up for the first time, if you use a weight in a workout for the first time, if you do anything new for the first time, write it up on the PR side. Any victory, big or small, should not go unnoticed.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Dead-lift - 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps
Set a clock to a two minute interval and attempt two true dead-lifts at every beep. You may not use a mixed nor hook grip at any point.
Seven rounds for time of:
7 Dead-lifts, 65% of your heaviest weight from above
7 2-fer-1 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
Reminder that 2-fer-1 wall balls are a single shot with 2 squats. For the dead-lifts, no mixed or hook grip is allowed.
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Load sequencing fault w/ the dead-lift. A must watch.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
For time:
Muscle-ups, 10 reps
Up Downs (Burpees), 25 reps
Single Arm Kettle Bell Swings, 25 each arm
Toes to Bar, 25 reps
Air Squats, 50 reps
Cleans, 25 reps
Hollow Rocks, 1 minute AMRAP
Every minute do 10 Double Unders
At the top of every minute, you must stop what you are doing and complete 10 double unders, not including the first minute.
If do not have muscle-ups, you will skip them and do 10 ring pull ups and 10 ring dips at the end of the workout instead.
Post time and total hollow rock reps to comments/Logwod.
Compare to 101130.
Come pay homage to an O.G. mustache.
Join us tonight (8pm) at the Homy Inn to celebrate the close of Movember. Everyone is invited and encouraged to make it out. Hope to see you all there.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Open Gym @ 5pm
The gym will be open for about an hour to an hour and a half so try and make it in to the gym as close to 5pm as you can.
Anyone make it out this morning? What'd you get?
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Plate Overhead Walking Lunges - 3x10 steps separated by 2 minutes rest each. Start out with 20 unweighted walking lunges for warm-up followed by two weighted warm-up sets of 4-6 steps. The goal of this workout is to work up to the highest amount of plate weight, over three sets, you can hold overhead for ten steps.
10 rounds, each for time of:
200 meter row
No more than 3 at a rower if at all possible but not an absolute.
Post results to comments/Logwod.
Rowing as taught by Concept2 themselves. Pick up one thing from this video and put it to use today. One thing.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
"Angie" - ish
For time:
100 Pull ups
? Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Air Squats
Why the question mark for push ups? Here's the catch. Even though you have to finish all the pull ups, how many you can do in one unbroken set will determine how many push ups you have in the workout.
The scale works like this: Pull ups 1-2-3.....100 to Push ups 100-99-98.....1. For example, if you can do 30 unbroken pull ups to start the workout, you still have to complete the last 70 but when you get to push ups, you only have 70. Make sense?
There is a 20 minute cut-off to this workout so scale accordingly, both for intensity and safety.
Post push up reps and time to comments/
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Rope Climbs (must use legs) - Two rounds of as many rope climbs as possible in 2 minutes. Partner up with as many as three other people or at least follow a 3 to 1 rest to work ratio (rest 6 minutes). Chin must pass above rafter and no jumping off rope before hands pass marker.
21-15-9 for time of:
Squat Snatch, 110#/77#
Box Jump Overs, 30 inch box
For the box jump overs, you must jump on the box in order to get to the other side but do not have to stand all the way up before doing so. Scale snatch reps in lieu of heavier weight for this workout.
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Recipe of the Week (had to share): Creamy Pumpkin Curry
Click Here for Full Recipe.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
Strict, Dead-hang Pull ups
Rest 1 minute.
Three rounds for time of:
30 KB Sumo Dead-lift High Pull, 1.5/1 pood
30 Grasshoppers (right+left = 1 rep)
Score is couplet time converted into seconds and subtracted from pull ups. Closest to 0 wins.
Post score to comments.
The end range for a grasshopper. Touch left leg to right forearm followed by right leg to left forearm for one rep. The skin must touch for reps to count.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
2-Board Bench Press - Perform 3 reps (soft touch), increasing in weight each time, if able, for 5 sets. Do this on a 3 minute time interval. Go as heavy as you can but be successful at getting all your reps on all your sets.
300 Yard Shuttles (3 rounds) - Set up two markers 25 yards apart. Sprint there, touch the line, sprint back, touch the line, a total of 6 consecutive trips. Depending on the size of the class, you will be separated into anywhere between 4 and 6 groups so that there isn't less than a 3 to 1 or more than a 5 to 1, rest to work ratio (but still have competition).
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You guys know Regina right? Stud. I don't think she realizes it yet but she is. Break down those walls Regina. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone. But most importantly, don't ever stop having fun. That goes for the rest of ya too.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Rest Day
Please take the time to read today's blog post in its entirety. Thanks.
Watch this. When both coaches talk of peak tension vs. working tension, it often refers to those that are stronger than their mobility allows them to show. The less flexible you are in certain ranges of motion, the more tension you must use to fight to keep yourself in good position. The more tension you use, the more fatigued you become. Think about it. Often, most of us have to scale weights not because we aren't strong enough but because so much tension is used trying to meet the required range of motion as well as avoid injury that we can't hold it for the duration of most conditioning workouts.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
High Bar Back Pause Squat - This is a high bar back squat variation where a full three count pause at the bottom occurs. It is imperative that you reach full depth and pause completely (i.e. One-one thousand, etc.). At the conclusion of the pause, focus your efforts on exploding out of the bottom.
Share racks and attempt 5 sets of 2 reps on a 3 minute interval. Increase the load every set (The weights used will be comparatively lighter than traditional back squat).
AMRAP in 18 minutes of:
10 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
40#/25# DB Walking Lunges, 10 steps
10 DB Box Jumps, 20 inch box (must step down)
For this workout, you will take one of your DB's from the lunges and perform box jumps holding onto it. You cannot use a different size weight for each movement. If you can't jump with 40#, then what you can jump with, you will also use for the lunges. You may not jump off the box but only step down or the rep does not count.
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Before CFO and On CFO. Great props to our good friend Andy Gomel for working so hard to get to where he is now. A great story for sure. Thanks for allowing us to work with you Andy.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Five rounds (30 minutes) of:
Ninety seconds of work on:
Ninety seconds of work on:
Strict Toes 2 Bar (no kipping)
Ninety seconds of work on:
Handstand Walks
Ninety seconds of work on:
For L-sits, place a red bumper underneath each hand and a red bumper underneath the heels of a straight leg. If this is not possible, scale by removing the bumper from underneath the heels. Scale the toes to bar with a kip if you have to but work on a slower negative. If you do not have muscle-ups, work on ring dips if you have them or ring push ups if you do not.
Groups of people will start at different stations to begin the workout and rotate every 90 seconds.
Post your experience to comments.
Running at 9am.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Snatch - Complete one snatch every two minutes for 14 minutes. You may go up in weight every set, stay the same for every set, or any combination thereof.
Three rounds for time of:
400 meter run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
12 Pull ups
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At this year's world weightlifting championships. The 105+kg weight class world champion, Behdad Salimi, successfully snatches 214kg (470.8lbs.), a world record.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
In two teams:
AMRAP in 22 minutes of:
Bench Press at 88#/64#
200 Meter Runs
Wall Balls at 14#/12#
Toes 2 Bar
Front Squat at 110#/77#
Divide the gym into two teams with as equal a number of guys and gals on each team as possible. Each team receives two racks, one for bench press and one for squatting and enough bumpers for each rack to make either of the prescribed weights listed above. You also get a wall ball at both 14# and 12#.
Anyone on your team can perform any of the movements but they must be prescribed weights (no scaling). Only three people on your team can be working out at one time and one of those persons must be running at all times. You can change who that is whenever you want but someone must always be running or no one can be working out on the other movements.
The goal is to amass more reps than the other team on all movements.
Post team name, members, and total reps to comments.
What is your favorite cheat meal? The one thing you know you can't have that often but when you do, this is it.
Post to comments.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Ring Dips - Three minutes of practicing and perfecting the movement separated by 1.5 minutes of rest. Repeat for three cycles.
The goal depends on the person. The better you are at ring dips the more you should slow things down and refine your movement. Practice solidifying your kip or improve range of motion (shoulders deep and elbows completely locked out) through strict movement. Hold the lockout, of every rep, for a 1 count.
If you do not have ring dips, it's all about playing. Attempt all kinds of assisted ring dips, push ups, etc. Try to steer clear of the bands. Use a box behind the feet instead or some other way. Get creative.
Three rounds for time of:
10 Clean and Jerk, 186#/131#
30 Double Unders
50 Air Squats
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Abby shows us the top end range of a legit kb swing. Does your swing look like hers?
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Rest Day
Warming up for activity or training is very important. Especially now that time is of the essence within our new system of warming up for classes. If you take the time to check out the video, you'll see that Diane attacks her GOATS first in the warm-up. These are the things that affect her most when working out.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Dead-lift - Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes complete three true dead-lifts (absolutely no bounce/restart every pull). Start at 70% of your 1RM and continue to add weight when desired. Come to the gym with a plan (do your math at home). If you do not have a 1RM, start at a moderate weight and work your way up as needed.
Five rounds for time of:
30 Burpees
Rest 1 minute
Score is total time including rest (exactly 60 seconds rest is mandatory).
Post heaviest dead-lift and conditioning score to comments/
Approach your training as such.....
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
For max reps:
5 minutes of Rowing (calories)
4 minutes of Straight Legged Sit ups
3 minutes of Rope Climbs
2 minutes of Overhead Squat, 88#/63#
1 minute of Pull ups
This workout will run like Fight Gone Bad. There will be six stations for every movement. The first six people will begin on the rower and the next six will not start until they have moved on to the sit ups.
An ab mat will be allowed for sit ups but the legs must remain fully extended at all times (no anchors). Touch the shoulder blades and hands to the floor then sit up and touch the toes. Rope climbs are chin above rafter and walk down rope until hands pass below marker.
Scale as needed.
Post total reps to comments/
We have released this design on Facebook for preorders and now we're releasing it here. This is our new logo. We will maintain the wings/shield logo to some respect but what you see here is what we will predominately use from here on out. The hooded zip up comes in both a man's and woman's fit whereas the track jacket is unisex (fitted). The cost is $40 per.
These make perfect Christmas gifts and what other way to help us show the gym off around town than to flood the city with them. Help us spread the CFO word. Thanks.
Post to comments or email me if you'd like one (or many).
The next strength class starts next Monday, November 14th at 7:30pm. If you are interested in taking the class, you must register this Friday. Depending on how many are interested, I may open it up to 12 people.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Power Clean - After instruction from the coach leading the class, you are allowed (from an empty bar) no more than six increases in weight. You may also only complete 2-4 reps per set in any of those six weight increases (no 1RM). Max time limit: 18 minutes.
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps each of:
DB Hang Squat Cleans, 50#/35#
Kipping Handstand Push ups
Prescribed handstand push up are only to be performed using a kip. If scaling, use any of the methods performed during last week's skill session. The DB handle must pass below the knee joint prior to any squat clean rep.
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A huge congratulations to Scott and Jen (Feyerherm) Wehner on their recent marriage. God Bless.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Baseline Saturday
Back Squat - 2RM
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
Sprint 800 meters for time
Post all results to comments/Logwod.
If you missed it, here is the Jimmy Kimmel video of all the people that sent in footage of telling their kids they ate their Halloween candy. Haha.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Handstand Push up Practice
You have 20 minutes to improve your handstands, handstand push ups, or even handstand walks. If you are capable of doing handstand push ups in a workout, spend your time working on attempting freestanding handstands and handstand push ups.
5 rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
35 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
20 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
Post all results to comments/Logwod.
We have a three xlarge and three mediums in this limited edition hooded sweatshirt. This design will no longer be used for apparel. The cost is $40. Come get them before they're all gone.
See the back here
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Rest Day
This Saturday during all classes (including open gym but you may choose to do something else), the workout of the day will be the baseline testing. This includes a 2RM squat, 10 minutes of "Cindy," and a single 800 meter run for time.
On Saturday, all classes will run into one big class. This means that as long as you sign up to attend any class, you can come at any time, beginning at 8:50, to get your baseline started. We will be warming up a group every half hour or so. Because you may not be here this Saturday, you are allowed to do baseline during today's rest day festivities or even next Thursday's rest day but I do encourage you to test.
There will also be a free nutrition seminar on Saturday at 11am for those interested. Most of it will cover quantifying food specifically for each individual. Within this community, we mostly talk about the quality of food we eat but we must realize that portioning out our food is a very powerful component to reaching our goals. How much we eat is dependent upon how we metabolize glucose and the quality of that glucose. This is what the seminar will cover.
A super rad nooner. It's good to have you on board Foster. Keep working hard and good things will continue to come your way.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
Pistols (one-legged squats)
Pick one or any combination of the following and perform 100 reps (combined).
True pistols
Pistols w/ a 5# plate under the heel
Pistols w/ a 15# dumbbell held out in front
Pistols w/ a Roll
Pistols to 2 stacked red bumpers
Pistol negatives w/ a Roll (come up on two feet)
Pistol negatives w/ a Roll attempt
You have 20 minutes to play around. Use as many sets as needed and alternate legs as you please. If you have pistols (can go prescribed in a workout), use the pistol w/ a roll progression only.
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 132#/99#
Strict, Dead-hang Pull ups
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If you haven't seen it already......... The Copier
Post thoughts to comments.
Ricky Frausto
Filed Under:
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
15 Toes 2 Bar
15 Rock Stars, 44#/27#
Odd number rounds = 800 meter run
Even number rounds = 400 meter run
For the rock stars, one end of the bar must start overhead with arms fully extended (other end is on the floor against a wall). Begin the movement by rotating the body (allowing the feet to pivot) and lowering the bar (close to the body) until it reaches a point just below the knee. Return it to the starting position. This constitutes one rep. Alternate sides.
Post total meters run as well as what you thought of rock stars to comments/
Pretty good, right? Awesome job Shelley and Greg. Anyone else got some good pictures of themselves dressed up?