Wednesday 081210

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Post weight used for every set of all three movements to comments.

Getting some air.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 27 reps

No decorations yet! I guess no one wants a get together.

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23 Responses to "Wednesday 081210"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Oddly I was just reading some of his blog entries today at work. I'll have to check out that article.
  3. BC Says:
  4. Don't be getting all Grinch-y on us Rick, your decorations are coming...right people. And there will be a X-Fit X-mas celebration, full of merriment and joy. So says I, B Christ, Jesus' less famous, less talented cousin...twice removed.
  5. Brandon Says:
  6. I think this is Ricky's way of lighting the fire under our *sses for some Christmas decorations.
    Yesterday's WOD = 401... I forgot to post it. :-)

  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Good work 6am. After looking up the last shoulder presses we did about 6 weeks ago, I was surprised to see that I increased press and push press both by 20lbs. I think those HSPU may actually be helping.

    No time to get out to the garage yesterday. I will bring stuff tomorrow am.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. shoulder press - 108#x1 (PR by 5#)
    push press - 118#x3 (first time)
    push jerk - 113#x5 (PR by 23#)
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. shoulder press- 73#
    push press- 82#
    push jerk- 82#
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Holy Awesomeness on those PR's!!! This makes me happy when I read the blog and everyone is hitting PR's :)

    As for the Xmas decorations, I will have to go rummage through some storage boxes and see what I have as well......I liked Hannah's idea of that nativity scene, now who to play Mary?? Hmmm the only prego CrossFitter I can think of is Crystal!! ha!

    See everyone at 5:30 where the real magic happens ;)
  15. John W Says:
  16. Awesome work everyone this morning! I saw some great pr's go down.
    SP: 108-118-123(F)-118-120(Fx2)
    PP: 110-120-130-135-140
    PJ: 132-142-152
    I was really disappointed with my efforts in the shoulder press. My 3 rep max last time we did them was 115. Probably a mental barrier or Jedi mind trick of some sort in place. Motivation for next time. Oh and Reba, Zach helped me count for today's workout ;)
  17. hannah eileen Says:
  18. Holy crap there was some amazing effort put in this morning. I want to congratulate jeff s and gina p. You two did amazing! So impressed.
    I got:
    strict: 73#
    push: 82#
    jerk: 82#
    I feel like I could have done more weight but we were running late. I had to leave. I found something else to add to my weakness list. crap. it's never ending!
    as for christmas decorations, I will see what I can do.
  19. linds Says:
  20. shoulder press: 77#
    push press: 82#
    push press: 82#
    I know I can do more but my shoulder was really hurting me this morning. Nice work by everyone this morning. I will try to bring some decorations.
  21. kahrs Says:
  22. I was pretty happy with today but felt I could have pushed a lot harder on the push press and push jerk. Didn't struggle terribly with strict press but know I could do a lot more on the other two.


    Good job everyone on PR's
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Ok, Reba, i'll play Mary! But in the Nativity Scene isn't the baby already here?!!!! Maybe Brady could could be the baby!
  25. JonD Says:
  26. Hey guys its been awhile. Hope everyone is doing great and I am trying to keep up on the blog and its seems like people are puttin in work. Finals are comin up so I have been too busy. But I got to do this workout soon.

    Well what I did today was something I kinda made up but it was pretty good.

    Sexy Sixty

    Push Press
    Walking Lunges
    Push ups

    60 reps of each and did 25#DB with push press and thrusters. Got it done in 19:35. Well hopefully I can see some of ya tonight sometime. I will talk to yall soon.
  27. paul Says:
  28. Take care of those shoulders, people. You don't want to wind up like me, always complaining, always off by myself doing some crap....

    Today's, for example, made me want to die:

    5 rds

    300yd shuttle
    30 GH situps
    15 DLs (250#)


    i HATE shuttles.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Today went well.

    strict = 168
    push = 197
    jerk = 209

    Good work nooners. It was nice seeing you in there Paul. i am sure glad I didn't have to do your work out.

    Gary M.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. shoulder press=82
    push press=99
    push jerk=99 (3X)

    Thanks for pushing me Ang - I would not have made that big of a jump on the last one, but you make it look so easy!
  33. Brandon Says:
  34. I'm not sure what my push press was, but the other two I ended with:
    Press : 155lbs X 1rep
    Push Press : ? duh... :-)
    Push Jerk : 203lbs X 5reps

  35. Chad Says:
  36. Shoulder Press: 120 lbs.
    Push Press: 132 lbs.
    Push Jerk: 132 lbs.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. I PRed in all three tonight but I obviously need some technique work on the push jerk.

    154# - shoulder press
    174# - push press
    164# - push jerk (failed on 5th)

    I am happy that I PRed by 10 lbs for the strict press though.
  39. Kelli Says:
  40. Press: 92#
    Push Press: 97#
    Push Jerk: 99#

    though my push jerks were more like push presses...need to work on that technique.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. SP: 83#
    PP: 93#
    PJ: 93#

    this was a bench marker for me, my last jerk was so shaky come to find out that i had different weights on each side! :S o well, nice work today
  43. V Says:
  44. SP: 68#
    PP: 83#
    PJ: 88#

    woooooooo! it was an unimpressive evening for me! I don't know what my problem was but I couldn't move any weight to save my life!
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. My upper body is so weak!!
    SP: 63
    PP: 83
    PJ: IDK it wasn't great I can tell you that much. Maybe 83..maybe.

    There sure was a lot of changing plates today, so confusing :)

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