Monday 081208

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time:
50 pound dumbell, walking lunge, 10 alternating steps
50 pound dumbell, swing, 15 reps

Post time to comments.

B Christ working on cleaning up his clean.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 25 reps

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19 Responses to "Monday 081208"

  1. hannah eileen Says:
  2. finished in just under 7, 6:5x. Today's wod was short and great. My ass is going to be so sore tomorrow from those damn lunges.
    Great job this morning, crew. BChrist, I'm glad you switched to the better class.
  3. BC Says:
  4. 7:15 Rx'd. Those DB's got effing heavy real quick. And thanks Hannah, I'm enjoying the switch. It's not even 8am yet and I've already got my workout done AND all my HSPU's done, can't beat that.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I did a HSPU to the floor today!! First time ever!! It was one of the 49 I had to do today...
    I finished in 4:37 with 35#. I am going to be sore for a few days cause of this one.
  7. paul Says:
  8. 6:03. Just not fast with those heavy lunges. oh well--at least that is a weakness I can actually work on!
  9. Donohoe Says:
  10. I finished in 449RX I felt like crap happy it was a short one this morning. Everyone in the breakfeast club represented this morning.
    Donohoe Out...
  11. John W Says:
  12. 4:15 Rx'd
    25 HSPU

    This was a solid little workout, and those lunges made the swings seem light which was nice. Awesome job this morning. Way to be quick and efficient.
  13. Addi Says:
  14. Damn. Sounds like 6 am killed it...

    It was hard to hear Ricky, but I think it was 7:59 or so. This one was tough, but fun. Found I had to rest my grip more than my legs or to catche my breath. Also tried a couple HSPUs to see how my rehabilitated shoulder is taking them - not too shabby - didn't feel the weird tugs I was before. Maybe after the new year I'll start my 50 days over again on my own.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. It's pretty disappointing to be the 8th person to comment and it is almost 7PM already. You guys are supposed to give me something to read while I am trying to waste a little time at work (especially on a Monday).

    Rx'd today's in 5:27. I managed to not break up any reps: the swings felt good but the lunges were pretty tough the last 2 rounds. Great work 5:30!!
  17. linds Says:
  18. 5:39 with 35# and 25 HSPUs
    Good workout!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 8:50 Rx'd. 25 HSPUs.
  21. Cari Says:
  22. Used 30s for the lunges and 35 for the swings; 9:14. Great job everyone at 5:30 and welcome to all the new people!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 4:54 Rex'd - nice workout - didn't stop or break anything up except having to do five lunges then turn around and do five back...but we all stayed away from those garage doors :) nice work tonight...

    25 HSPU. I am jealous ang - mine seem to be getting worse again...Lindsays hspu's look awesome!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 6:07 Rxd, loved the workout, I'm gunna be feelin it tomorrow!
  27. V Says:
  28. 6:07 Rx'd. awesome work 6:30!

    also thought some of you might enjoy's pretty funny. My roommate looks up this stuff all day instead of studying for her finals..
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 5:30 Rulz!!!!! fineshed in 5:35 today was a pretty easy one. but now my butt is gonna be extra sore. good job tonight i hope to see some of you comming in more consistently
  31. Steve Says:
  32. 5:20, and for a brief moment I thought I might actually beat Tovar... damn! Definitely going to have to stretch the glutes tonight. p.s. I am definitely impressed with everyone in the HSPU contest. Both those who've had to graciously bow out for one reason or another, and those who miss a day and then double up the next. I wish everyone I knew had that much integrity.
  33. kahrs Says:
  34. Enjoyed today, finished 5:30. Then did 3 days worth of HSPU's. Ricky sorry to make you realize you still had more HSPU's to do.
  35. Gdawg Says:
  36. 5:25 Rx'd...this was tougher than i thought it was gonna be...lotta work for under 10 min!! great job 6:30!!
  37. Chad Says:
  38. 11+ min at 40lbs. Too much resting. I totally blew this workout.

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