Monday 080818

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time
185 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
60 yard shuttle (5 back, 10 b, 15 b), x2
2 minutes rest

Post fastest and slowest round to comments.

Rocco Deppe, Julie's son, attracting a crowd.

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16 Responses to "Monday 080818"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. i just want you guys to know that i will be out of commission for at least a week. i sorta was a little intoxicated friday, tried to run around joe, fell, and hurt my ankle. i was told by the doc today no strenuous activity for at least 7 days. so crap. i will just be a lazy pile while everyone else improves their times. just realized right now that this means i cant do the cindy challenge...unless i can do it later...:)
  3. ZachR Says:
  4. My times for each round were:

    I did this workout as prescribed and the deadlifts felt pretty good. I managed to not break up any of the sets. The running wasn't bad but I was happy to get 2 minutes rest afterwards. Good work Lindsey, Jon, and Amanda.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. i'm in o'neill, so today i ran a mile and a half to the track and did 10 rounds of 5 burpees & 50 meter sprints because those are two of the things i really need to work on! then i cleaned my dad's mechanic shop. i've worked down there my whole life and i never realized how helpful it is to know proper body mechanics for lifting heavy objects, pulling, pushing, throwing heavy things overhead. it's all cross-fit in the real world!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Rocco is such a stud!!!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. So I thought I would be in Omaha Tuesday...but I have a prelim hearing at 2 I will have to see everyone on wednesday...this second shift business is cutting into my crossfit life :( Happy Monday! (It's my Friday!!!)
  11. paul Says:
  12. I thought this was like a "Welcome Back Audi" WOD, given that it's my favorite (DLs), and two things I can still do despite my shoulder.

    But then I started doing it and realized how painful it was! (I still loved it, though.)

    times: 59, 1:02, 1:07, 1:08, 1:09.

    Nice work, everyone at noon! it was great to meet some of the newer folks. I can't wait for the next social!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. This workout has me a little worried about our next heavy DL day. I felt like 131# was heavy!
    Times: 1:09, 1:14, 1:28, 1:22, 1:30 Not great!
    Welcome back Paul!
    Great job to everyone at 12!
  15. Steve Says:
  16. I hate deadlifts with a passion, but I must be getting better since my back no longer hurts afterwards. Shuttleruns, on the other hand, I like. Amanda, thanks for the corrections and adjustments.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I did 131# my times were 1:12, 1:17,1:29,1:32,1:39. Thanks Ricky for the help with deadlifts after workout. Great job 6am!
  19. BC Says:
  20. First round was my fastest, 1:05. 4th round my slowest, 1:13. Form slipped a little on the last 3 or 4 of the last round but I gutted out a 1:06. Great job 5:30 crew!
  21. Jen Says:
  22. No idea on the splits, but total time was 14:28 Rx'd. 5:30 class did a great job...but...I am going back to 6AM because it cooler in the morning. 90+ degrees is too hot for me.
  23. Greg MO Says:
  24. w/#198 DL


    :48+1:07 = 1:55
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 1:01 Fastest
    1:40 Slowest
    My form sucked at the end plus I have a feeling the weekend might have caught up to me, friday night was not the only social I attended

  27. A Says:
  28. Sorry to have missed this one. I agree with DJ - too much fun this weekend.
    I ran a 20 minute hill-sprint course last night, and then did 5 rounds of 5 pushups and 10 hollow rocks in 3:20. Am going to run again tonight, and do one of Eva's workouts. See you tomorrow!
  29. A Says:
  30. Okay. Did CFE Tabata - 8X :20 sprint @ 12% incline, :10 rest. Whew. Then, ran 20 minute hill course. Then did 50 pushups and 30 OHS w/30# bar.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Scaled my weight to 125lb very unwillingly, but after seeing the article posted today - its probably a good thing - my back is still sore but a heck of alot better than last week.

    I lost track of my rounds after the 1st one 1:10...

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