Monday 080728

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day.

Catch up on any of the workouts you missed from the past three days or practice a skill such as the Snatch or Back Squat.

Level I Cert. at Brand X. Congratulations Libby on your certification.

We must be careful of how much we train, even in CrossFit. Too much volume (too many workouts in a day for to long, too much aerobic training, etc.) coupled with lack of sound nutrition and not enough rest and recovery can lead to noticeable decreases in strength and power, slower times, lack of pr's, increase in injury, sickness, etc. Replace this volume instead with intensity. Go so hard and give so much to one workout, better eating, and enough rest and notice your overall fitness skyrocket.

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8 Responses to "Monday 080728"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. This morning I did Sunday's workout, it went really well. I had to break up all sets of push-ups except for the last five. Good workout.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I did 15 minutes AMAPR of:
    12 20# lunges
    9 box jumps
    6 weighted situps
    3 strict pullups
    I'm not sure how many rounds I got... but it was a good workout for a rest day.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Oops! I don't know what AMAPR means.... I meant AMRAP.
  7. paul Says:
  8. Congrats on getting your cert, Libby!

    I just got done doing:

    5 rds (wearing a 20# vest)

    200m run
    50 single unders
    10 wall balls (8#, 12")
    5 pushups
    10 OH squats (resistance band)


    i was thrilled to be doing pushups. we'll see how the shoulder feels tomorrow, but i think it will be okay.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I did Sunday's WOD tonight - picked that one bc I thought it looked like the lessor of some of the usual - never the case ;)

    13:04 - that last 30 sec hold was straight up me cussing while watching my watch slowly tick and fighting to hold it - I think I managed to do it bc the thought of doing it again was not an option!

    Not sure whose torture session that one was, but my wrists are just now coming back to life!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Now that there's going to be a new schedule I can come every day starting tomorrow!

    Mel C

    I'm glad you're back Cari!!!! :o) Now we can Crossfit it up together again finally!
  13. A Says:
  14. Congrats on your cert, Libby!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Ricky had us do AMRAP of:
    12 walking lunges with 35# DBs
    9 30" box jumps
    6 weighted sit-ups with 1 pood KB
    3 strict pull-ups

    I lost count of the rounds I did but the workout was grueling as usual. My knee started acting up quite a bit when I would jump down from the box, not sure what that's about. I am about to go ice it and hope it feels fine in the AM.

    See you all tomorrow at 5:30!!!

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